Sunday, June 27, 2010

Summer running will take some patience (and better conditioning)

Today's run (street) 3.82 miles at 9:43

Shady activities
It's been a fun weekend with our guests. The weather has been hot and sunny and the kids have owned the pool. I even accomplished a chore; assembling one of those new offset swing umbrellas that can tilt and move laterally. That created a perfect place for the grownups to sit poolside while we watched the kids in perpetual motion in the water. Yesterday was a hot and humid five miles and this morning it was even more humid. I got out before 7:00 AM but it was already uncomfortable. I was glad to be wearing my Adidas AdiStar running shirt that does an excellent job of managing moisture. Eventually the shirt reached 100% saturation but I was fairly comfortable throughout the run. I wore my Brooks because I wanted maximum comfort on what I knew would be a difficult run.

I did a mile loop near my house and then headed to neighborhood #3 for a change of scenery. By the time I reached my second mile I was hot and tired and focused only on finishing my planned route. Although my leg turnover felt fast my Garmin told me otherwise and I knew I would need to work to keep my overall pace within the 9:00 range. I returned to my neighborhood for the final mile and a half and, like yesterday, finished hot, panting and soaked. I've run every day since last Monday and I'll rest tomorrow after covering about 20 for the week. We were discussing the runner's high this weekend and one of our guests mentioned that he's never finished a run and then felt a rush of euphoria. I usually feel good when I finish and, depending on the run, I can carry that feeling throughout the day. The last two days have only brought relief that the runs were over. I keep telling myself that it's good practice for hot conditions and high elevations in Colorado Springs. That said, I'm still looking forward to Tuesday morning when I get out there again.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

5 humid miles

Today's run (street): 5.2 miles at 9:31

I intended to get out before 7:00 AM because I knew the heat would be intense by mid morning. It took longer to get out than I planned and I hit the road at 7:18 under sunny skies. It took me about a half mile before I started feeling the humidity but, bam, there it was. I decided to give myself a gift and followed the road along Jericho Turnpike that runs downhill for about a quarter mile before leveling off. At the next crossing I headed south along South Oyster Bay Road where the sidewalk runs the gamut between level concrete to broken up cement with overgrown grass. I continued across the LIE overpass and entered neighborhood #2 from the west side. By this time I was feeling the effort but I knew I wanted to get a couple of more miles in. After a run around the western loop I headed east and extended my normal route by hitting a few extra streets.

I ended up covering about 5 miles with the last mile proving a major challenge. I often think, at the end of a run, how much farther I could have run. Sometimes the answer is "a few miles more" but today the answer was "not one foot more." The humidity was overwhelming and an extended run was not in the cards. Tomorrow I'll aim for an earlier start to avoid the heat and the storms that are predicted for Sunday. Our guests will probably leave by midday tomorrow so I'll want finish up in time to spend most of the morning with them. I wouldn't mind a cooler experience tomorrow but I'd settle for a lower dew point.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Another good Kinvara run

Today's run (street): 2.5 miles at 9:11 per mile

We have friends arriving later today who will stay with us over the weekend. I think we're due for some decent weather today but I decided to forgo my usual Friday city run in favor of an early morning run. I checked last night and with sun and temperatures in the 80's by mid day, it made more sense to go out in the dark when it was still relatively cool. I've worn the Saucony Kinvaras the last four times I've run this week and I do like the feel of the shoe. I know many people who are highly sensitive to the nuances of every shoe they wear but for me the threshold for satisfaction is low. The shoe either feels good or it doesn't. The Kinvaras feel good and I believe they are helping me strengthen my legs by forcing more of a mid-foot striking style. The people at Jackrabbit showed me that I tend to come off the heel (albeit quickly) when I run which contributes to my pronation. I don't know if a neutral shoe like the Kinvara heads off pronation by guiding the foot towards the front. I haven't suffered any problems running in this neutral shoe so that may be the case.

My run today felt faster than yesterday's but it was actually a little slower. I think going out at 6:15 AM gave me an advantage yesterday. I simply run slower at 4:00 AM. That's okay though, this morning's run felt energizing and good. I'm not sure of my run schedule for the weekend. My guests are not runners so I'll probably go out early tomorrow, before everyone else is up, and be done in time for breakfast. I have no real goals for the weekend but I need to think somewhat about my conditioning. We're heading to Colorado in a few weeks on vacation and with elevations of a mile or more I'll want to be as prepared as I can.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Unexpectedly positive run

Today's run (street): 2.64 miles at 9:09 per mile

I was ambivalent about going for a run today. Tuesday and Wednesday's runs were tough and I questioned whether I was pushing myself too hard. The last two times I went out it seemed like I just couldn't get myself out of second gear and I wasn't looking to repeat that experience today. With the temperatures approaching 80 degrees by 6:00 AM and the dew point rising, I considered cranking the AC and jumping on the elliptical. I decided to run but to keep my pace moderately slow. I targeted a top end range on my HRM and I used that as a guide for my level of exertion. Wearing my Kinvaras I took off at a comfortable pace and I was surprised to find the effort was less than anticipated.

Although I had a little more time than usual this morning (I took the day off for my son's graduation) I wasn't planning to go out for more than 25 minutes. The tightness of my upper hamstring was hardly noticeable and, unlike yesterday's run, I had no pain in my right knee. After about five minutes I knew that it would be a good run regardless of my overall pace. Mile one seemed to come when I expected it and I hoped that last night's calibration had finally restored the Garmin's accuracy. I didn't feel like I was moving along very quickly but I refused to look at my watch because I didn't want to feel pressure to speed up. The second mile came faster that I expected it and I was farther from my house than I thought I'd be when I hit that mark. I finished the run with 2.64 miles recorded and thought that the Garmin was way off. My heart rate never climbed to a level of high exertion so I expected my true distance was far less than indicated. When I got inside I Gmapped my route and it came to 2.64 miles so not only is the Garmin accurate but I hit 9:09 on a brutally hot morning.

It was a great feeling knowing I was back running closer to 9 minutes per mile. My son's graduation followed and was also great. He was a host for the day so I got to see him up on the podium a number of times introducing speakers and talking about the school year. A great day with a great start. In terms of my runs, I'll see what tomorrow brings.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Do, or do not. There is no try

Today's run (street): 2.2 miles at 10:05!

Much to learn, you have
It stormed last night and I was concerned that it would still be raining at 4:00 when I was due to start my run. My plan B was to do an elliptical workout rather than a treadmill run. The skies were clear when I went out and the temperatures, while not exactly cool, were still tolerable. Like yesterday, I experienced some flexibility issues and even felt pain in my right upper hamstring and right knee. After about ten minutes the pain had mostly subsided but I still felt like my gait was restricted. I made a few halfhearted attempts to introduce some speed but I just couldn't get things going. As my son often says (quoting Yoda) "Do, or don't do, there is no try." True enough, I probably should have ended today's run early after such a bad start.

I ended up running a relatively short 22 minutes because I'd started a bit late and wanted my 15 minute post-run coffee/recovery time before I officially began my day. My son has elementary school graduation tomorrow so I'm taking Thursday off. That will give me more time to run in the morning. I think some dynamic stretching may help my performance tomorrow and I'll try to sleep past 5:00 AM for the additional rest I surely need. Tomorrow I will do. Trying doesn't seem to help.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hard to be fast when you're lazy

Today's run (street): 2.5 miles at 9:35 per mile

Things felt a little off today as I began my run. I had no complaints about the weather and I didn't feel particularly tired. I just didn't feel in rhythm with the process, either physically or mentally. Although this was my first run after a rest day my legs felt inflexible and heavy. It was almost as if  I was wearing ankle weights. The other analogy that fits is the feeling of being tethered to a weight that inhibited my speed. I tried to up my pace a couple of times but overall I defaulted to the rate I could sustain. Fortunately I've had enough experience running by now to know that unsatisfying runs sometimes happen and that bad runs are often followed by good runs. I'm hoping that will be the case tomorrow.

After a few weeks of very good performance that followed my receipt of two pair of lightweight Sauconys I have definitely moved back to averaging mid-9 minute paces. I want to break nine minutes consistently so I have to decide how serious I'm willing to get to add some performance training to my routine. Although I'm dedicated to my schedule I'm actually a lazy runner. It's rare that I push my speed during my training runs. It works for me because I almost always enjoy myself when I run but I also get frustrated with my lack of progress on speed. I read an article on this morning about using track work to gain speed that can be applied to distance running. I need to decide how serious I am about making a focused effort to improve. The only practical time to do that is on the weekend and I'm reluctant to give up a slot I reserve for longer runs. Perhaps I can do 20-30 minutes of running and then switch to speed work as the article suggests. Sounds worth a try.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Adventurous running can also be local

Today's workout: Rest day

The first day of summer has brought a welcome reduction in humidity. I looked at the early morning runners that I passed on my way to the train and regretted that I wasn't one of them. I could have run this morning but I need to make sure I consistently take at least one day off to rest each week. I don't go out for long weekday runs and could probably get away with running seven days a week, but I believe that a marginal rest day is more valuable than a marginal run day.

Yesterday's run on the trails was a nice way to cap off three days of 4+ mile runs. Trail running has become my preferred style and I always consider those runs special. I love the constantly changing terrain, elevations, scenery and the mystery of the experience. I'm often accompanied by animals in the woods, I can hear them rustling as I run by and I never know what I'll encounter around the next bend. Unless I stick to a familiar route I can count on getting lost. That's fun for me because I know I'll eventually find my way back. The biggest challenges I face are fast moving mountain bikers and steeply carved pathways that are almost as hard to descend as they are to climb. The hidden danger is roots along the trail that can bring you down hard, often before you know you've tripped. I had a near stumble yesterday and the adrenalin rush provided sufficient energy to scale a sudden steep embankment. Stillwell is only five minutes away from home but it always provides some great adventure.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day run at Stillwell

Today's run (Stillwell Woods Preserve): 4.4 miles at 10:06 per mile

Happy Father's Day to friends and readers (plus my dad and brother). This weekend has actually been 2.5 days because I worked from home on Friday and switched over to leisure time at noon. It's been a l-o-n-g weekend and I've enjoyed every minute so far. I started the day early with a run at Stillwell Woods Preserve. It was a little after 7:00 AM by the time I made my way into the woods and I entered on the northwest side and followed the path whichever way it led. I've run in these woods dozens of times and I thought I'd figured out the trails but I was experiencing today's run almost as if it was the first time I'd run there. After breaking past the "Interpretive Trails" section I found myself on a singletrack path that took me almost two miles before I reached a cross roads and had to choose a new direction. The choice I made led me through some tough terrain, lots of ups and downs with a mix of dirt, scree, sand and rock. I was very glad to have the tree cover that kept the temperature at a tolerable level. Still, the humidity had me sweating so badly that my running shorts and shirt were completely soaked through by the end.

There was a lot of activity in the woods this morning. I saw a hare and some rabbits, chipmunks, and lots of birds. There were a few dogs with their owners and a fair number of mountain bikers, most of whom were gracious and polite. Not all, but most. I'll admit that after the third steep approach around mile three I needed to stop for a minute to restore my energy level and check my compass. That action prompted a course correction and soon I was on my way through familiar territory and I found my way to the trail head after covering a total of 4.4 miles. The rest of the day has been equally fun and we spent late afternoon in and by the pool until sun showers chased us indoors. It was a good week for running despite some work responsibilities that prevented me from going out on Wednesday morning. I exceeded 20 miles for the week and although I'm not running very fast these days I'm pleased with the way I've felt on the roads and trail. I'm looking forward to cooler running at 4:00 AM during the week. Summer is here tomorrow and I'm ready for whatever it throws at me.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Energy drinks. Really?

 Today's run (street): 5.5 miles at 9:30 per mile

We're celebrating my daughter's 12th birthday today. Among other activities we made a visit to the local bowling lanes this morning. I'm not a fan of bowling, and no offense to those who are, but I have trouble viewing it as a sport. That's why I was so amused when we took a break so the kids could play some arcade games and saw this display of energy drinks in the vending machine.

An impressive display of energy drinks
Do you really need a 16 ounce can of Amp or RockStar to get you through the rigor of rolling a ball down a lane twenty times? Maybe so. My daughter and son wanted to bowl and I was expected to participate so I did my best. My wife is a good athlete and has no problems with the game but I have little skill with it. I quickly noticed that each time you take a turn the scoreboard displays the speed of the ball, presumably when it hits the pins. Now the game was interesting for me. We bowled two games and though I barely broke 100 each game I managed to improve my average speed from about 16 MPH to close to 20. I never did reach 20 but I came close - 19.86 MPH was my best of the day. With that, a good time was had by all.

Next time I break 20!
 Earlier today I went out for my first weekend run. I didn't have a great night's sleep and started with less energy than I normally have at 7:00 AM. I had no allusions of speed but I wanted to get some mileage in. I hadn't run more than four miles since last week's race so I figured today would be a day to do that. It was cool when I went out and I watched my heart rate to maintain a pace that kept me about 70% of max. No heroics for me, especially since the humidity was about to climb. I made my way over to neighborhood #2 where I did most of this morning's run. By 7:30 there were lots of people out, preparing for the day's activities, washing cars, walking dogs and running. I followed a different direction just for the change of scenery although it really just amounted to looking at different cars and houses. By the time I re-entered my neighborhood I had about 4 miles done and my heart rate had risen to over 80% of max. I covered another 1.5 miles before finishing with a total of five and a half. I then made a beeline to the pool for a cool-off dip. Perfect.

I'm not sure how much I'll run tomorrow. I'm thinking that a visit to Stillwell may be a nice change from the road and I'll see how I feel when I get up. In the meantime I'll enjoy the activities still to come as we continue the celebration of our daughter's birthday.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Not quite the run I thought I'd done

Today's run (street): 4 miles at 9:16 per mile

After today's run I thought that my best performance was tied to the time of day that I ran. My energy level at 6:15 AM was high and I started out well. I wanted to run about 3 miles this morning because I had some extra time. Usually I'm constrained to less than 25 minutes on weekdays but I'm working from home today so (without the commute) I was able to get out for over 30 minutes. It was only 61 degrees outside when I started and the first mile came quickly. That, as it turned out, was because it wasn't quite a mile. Unfortunately my Garmin has not served me well of late and switching the foot pod from shoe to shoe has not helped. I thought I'd completed 4.17 miles in about 37 minutes, a time that I considered good and reasonable. I figured that running at 6 AM simply gave me boost over how well I usually perform at 4 AM. My actual distance was well off what the Garmin recorded. It turned out I'd only run 4 miles.

 Forgetting performance for a moment I thought I'd run well today. I continue to like the feel of the Kinvaras and I'm hoping that they are facilitating mid foot landing when I run. I don't feel much difference in padding or support with the neutral Kinvaras and (knock wood) I have not experienced any tweaks or strains from wearing them so far. It makes me wonder if I could get away with a neutral everyday trainer. Not that I'm in the market for that. I'm just curious. I'm hoping to do at least one measurable run (over six miles) this weekend. I'll probably enlist my Brooks for that task. They remain my go-to shoe for distance. Why mess with success?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The morning blues

Today's run (street): 2.3 miles at 9:16 per mile

I looked forward to this morning's run as I prepared my gear last night. I've just come through two weeks of tight deadlines and four speaking obligations and today's run was the first time in a while where I could go out free of those pressures. I'd run in my Grid Tangents the last three times and the magic of speed seems to have slipped away. Tuesday's performance was no better or worse than my usual experience with my GTS-10s. I decided to return to the Kinvaras and see if I could gain some efficiency by running in this light neutral shoe that promotes mid foot landing. I know two other people who own Kinvaras and they have both had concerns about running longer distances with them. So far my experience with the Kinvaras has been good. I see little difference between them and my other trainers.

Some mornings I move faster than others and today was a slow day. I'm not talking about on the road, I mean the process of preparing to run. Consequently I didn't step outside until 4:06 and I took off without doing any stretching because I didn't want to fall further behind. The skies were dark with no moon and overcast conditions. The rain had stopped but the roads were wet and the streetlights were reflecting garishly. It was quiet and I saw no other activity but it didn't feel peaceful. During Tuesday morning's run I saw a few cars and trucks and even saw another person on the street. It was a young woman taking a walk near the middle school. I kept my distance because I didn't want to spook her. Odd to see someone out walking at 4:30 AM.

I ended today's run after about 22 minutes. I was glad that I had run but slightly disappointed by the experience. I'm hoping to go out longer tomorrow morning and take advantage of the extra time I'll have working from home. I think I need rest and I'll try to sleep a little longer on Friday morning. It's been a while since I've had a satisfying long run. I'm hoping I can change that this weekend.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Not sure what to make of my FR60 calibration

Yesterday's run (street): 2.8 miles @ 9:29/mile
Today's workout (elliptical): 25 minutes

I've been focused on business needs this week and that has disrupted my blogging schedule. I'm at an industry event today where I presented in the morning. That was the last big thing I needed to get through for the week (so far). I'm thinking again about my running.

Yesterday I returned to the street and ran (according to Garmin) 2.95 miles. Knowing that my distance number on the FR60 was overstated by 6.5% against the distance of my 8K, I suspected that I didn't actually cover what the display showed. I "Gmapped" my route as soon as I could and discovered my true distance was 4.4% less than what was indicated. This didn't surprise me but it also makes me wonder if the 8K course was actually 8.2K. I have not moved the sensor on my foot pod the last three times yet my margin of error seems to have swung from calibrated to over counting by different amounts on subsequent runs. I'm transferring it to the Kinvaras tonight for tomorrow morning's run. I'll see what happens after that. My run on Tuesday morning went well although I didn't go particularly fast. Once again I surprised myself by not really caring about my pace. I've decided that I can either dedicate time to speed drills and tempos and improve my average pace or I can go out almost every day and just run for fun. I'm definitely focused on the fun option right now.

I chose to do an elliptical session this morning which was a perfect workout to prepare me for today's events. Tomorrow I'm planning to go out again and run. I'm thinking of pursuing a new distance goal this weekend. I think breaking 10 miles is the next frontier for me. Perhaps not this weekend, but soon.

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