Showing posts with label dew point. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dew point. Show all posts

Monday, July 3, 2017

Giving humidity its dew

The muggy trifecta
Today's run (track): 3.3 miles
Yesterday's run (street): 3.4 miles
Saturday's run (street): 4 miles
Friday's (street): 3.2 miles
Last Sunday's run (street): 3.7 miles
Last Saturday's run (treadmill): 3.25 miles

There are two periods during the year when running conditions are consistently good. One of those times is late September when temperatures begin to drop and the stifling humidity starts giving way to crisp fall air. The other time of the year is around April, when spring starts to take hold and I can transition from quarter zips and track pants to lighter gear with fewer layers. But all conditions are temporary. By late June, short sleeves and shorts essentially become survival wear.

This weekend the dew point has been at or above 70°, a point that news stations characterize with words like tropical, uncomfortable and intolerable. Running in those conditions is extremely unpleasant. I suppose there's an actual limit to the amount of moisture wicking fabric can wick and I think I reached that point during each of my last four runs.

Even though I ran early, the temperatures were close to 80° and the difference in feel between shade and sunlight was huge. Some people thrive on these conditions, but to me it's krytonite. Not that I'm Superman or anything. Give me freezing cold temperatures any day. Except not when it's freezing cold and windy because my face hurts. Let's just say late September and April are really good for me.

I ran around the neighborhood Friday, Saturday and Sunday. This morning I needed a change of scenery and headed to the track. It was early enough to avoid the direct sun but not the humidity. I wasn't moving too quickly but speed is relative. A nice couple had started walking around the track and at one point the guy said, "slow down, you've already lapped us twice!" I laughed knowing how abysmal my pace really was.

I've managed four runs over the past four days and I have to admit that my running improves when I run more frequently. I'll squeeze in a fifth run tomorrow morning to celebrate our country's independence and then be back to running on Friday. If the dew point drops below 70, I will be happy but my expectations for that are pretty low.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

9/11 weekday run

Today's run (street): 3.1 miles

I've been off the blogging grid for the past two days, and most of today, because I've been consumed with a work project. After taking my usual Monday rest day and Tuesday as another recovery day, I was back on the street this morning. I wasn't psyched to go out at 8:00 AM, as the news was reporting 78 degrees and a dew point of 71.

I tried to set a strong pace but, felt frustrated with my turnover. The good news was, despite the hot and humid conditions, I wasn't tempted to tone down the effort. At around the one mile mark, I recalled that today was September 11. Except for when it fell on the weekend, this was the first time I didn't need to commute into the city on that day. It always made me nervous to be in Penn Station on 9/11.

20 minutes into the run, I was looking forward to finishing up. Still, I kept up the effort and wondered if it would translate into a credible time. My heart rate indicated that I was holding about 80% of MAX, so even if I wasn't moving very fast, I was trying. I ended up averaging 9:14 a mile. Given the weather, that was more than satisfactory. It was good to be back on the road, but I'm really looking forward to the fall weather.

Friday, July 26, 2013

In running, this point is most important

With all dew respect
Today's run (street): 3.5 miles

People always say "It's not the heat, it's the humidity." In fact, it's really the dew point that determines the level of comfort (or discomfort) in hot weather. Before I went out for my run this morning, I checked which reported a temperature of 66° and humidity at 91%. "Ugh", I thought. "It's going to be just like Tuesday, when you could literally feel the moisture in the air." But then I checked the dew point and saw it was 61. That meant 66° would feel like 64°.

That changed my attitude and I got out the door in record time. It felt pleasant and slightly cool, with a mild breeze coming from the north. I took off feeling fortunate to have dodged what I expected to be sticky, hot weather. I guessed that the 91% humidity related to the cloudy skies that looked mildly threatening. I ran with a little rain yesterday and I was willing to risk it today.

As it turned out, the rain held off, but I could smell its aroma mixed with the scent of sugar maple. That combination followed me throughout the entire route. I threw in a little speed in the second half and ended up having a very satisfying run. A low dew point was all it took.

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