Showing posts with label runner's high. Show all posts
Showing posts with label runner's high. Show all posts

Monday, October 22, 2012

The trick to beating stress is remembering the obvious

Happy Monday. My morning started with water pouring through the kitchen light that came from an overflow from an upstairs shower. Despite that annoyance, I feel great today and glad to rest after yesterday's hilly run.

Monday rest days are perfectly timed for easing my way back into the work week. Although I'm the first to say that running reduces stress, I don't always see it as a way to blow off anxiety or tension. In fact, it's often the opposite. On mornings when I am particularly stressed, I'll think about skipping my workout. Part of that relates to getting extra rest, but some of it has to do with avoiding anything difficult.

The trick is to remember that the end of almost any run produces an endorphin response that leaves you feeling better. When I am able to overcome my reluctance to run on stressful morning, I always appreciate how my mental state improves after the workout. There are studies that show established runners sometimes achieve their "runner's high" while they are still running, because they can anticipate the rewards that follow. On those stressful mornings it would be great to start with the endorphins and go from there.

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