Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Saving time via the treadmill

Today's run (treadmill): 2.41 miles

I have a tight schedule this morning so I decided to run on the treadmill to save some prep time. Instead of putting on multiple layers, a headlamp, reflective vest, hat and other items  I geared up with just a shirt, shorts and shoes. I've been a little tired since coming back to work this week and I think it's mainly due to rising again before 4:00 AM. This has been hard after "sleeping in" until 5:30 while I was on vacation. I needed to get finished with my run before 4:30 AM today so I got up to speed quickly on the F63 and kept a moderate pace that felt challengingly brisk.

Treadmill workouts are far different than outdoor runs for me. Treadmill runs are endured while outside runs are enjoyed. I usually spend my first four or five minutes on the treadmill telling myself  "I can't do this" before I settle into the grim task of completing my planned time. It was hot and I was sweating but miraculously the timer passed 20 minutes and a ran a few more before finishing on schedule. If nothing else, today's treadmill run will make me appreciate tomorrow morning's street run all the more.

Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 goals scored

It's time to start thinking about the year ahead in terms of running goals. A quick review of my 2010 goals shows that I hit most but not all. Here's my take in terms of percentage achieved:

1. Fully transition to mid/front foot running style.
Score: 85% - Mostly successful but not complete. I do much better when I run in the Kinvaras

2. Raise at least $200 for charitable causes by donating $5 per race mile.
Score: 100% - Running donations were close to $300

3. PR in a race - preferably in a longer distance than 5K.
Score: 100% - Two 10K PR's in consecutive weeks!

4. Run trails at three or more NY state parks that I have yet to visit.
Score: 66% - Muttontown Preserve and Eisenhower Park. This should have been an easy one but I never got around to running at Caleb Smith as planned.

5. Run a continuous 10 mile route under 9:30/mile.
Score: 75% - Exceeded the distance (10.2 miles) but not the pace.

6. Participate in at least 5 races.
Score: 100% - Ran eight (7 competitively).

7. Finish the year as excited about running as I am right now.
Score: 100% - If anything I'm more engaged than when this goal was set.

I'll be posting 2011 goals soon!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Foggy puppet-footed New Year's run

Today's run (street): 5.6 miles

Perhaps I should explain the title to this post. After taking Saturday (New Year's Day) to rest, I thought I'd make my 2011 debut at Stillwell Woods. In the past I've run Stillwell after a snowstorm and discovered that much of it was runnable as long as I wore the right shoes. I planned to wear my Helly Hansons that make short work of rough surfaces and packed snow. I got up early and waited for the sun to rise before heading out. When it became light enough to see the streets I noticed a heavy fog enveloping my neighborhood. The surreal view of the roads, combined with mid-40 degree temperatures, made me change my mind about Stillwell. I decided instead to run on the local roads.

That explains the foggy in the title. The puppet footed running relates to the mid-foot style of landing that I've followed as much as possible when I run. I still have trouble consistently landing either mid or front footed and I need to think about ways to make my feet fall forward more naturally. A technique that I've adopted is what I think of as "puppet feet." Just like the way the feet of a marionette seem to  drop when the figure is "walking", I think about bringing up my knees and let my feet fall. I'll usually land mid-foot and I can do this at a fairly brisk cadence (85-88 SPM). This technique also works well for me on inclines and small hills.

I ended up running a very pleasant 5.6 miles, enjoying a different view of my neighborhood and feeling good about my first run of the new year. Tomorrow I'll return to the office and the work week routine: 4:00 AM runs, the commuter train, schedules, meetings and earlier bedtimes. My kids return to school from holiday break on Monday as well so we're dedicating the rest of today to doing some fun stuff. The first run in the new year is completed and I enjoyed it completely. Happy running to everyone in 2011!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

Happy New Year! For no particular reason I chose not to run today. I was caught up in New Year's activities this morning that carried into the afternoon. By the time I was ready to run I'd decided to forgo my workout. I'll defer my first run of 2011 to tomorrow morning.

Ideally the paths at Stillwell will be runnable on Sunday. I've been happy for the opportunity to run outside this week a couple of times but the snow has limited me to my main neighborhood. It's wonderful to have local streets that are safe for running but following the same course does get tedious. I wish there were web cams at Stillwell and Bethpage (and Belmont Lake for that matter) that showed conditions in real time. That would save me a trip if the snow is still too deep for running. I'll probably head to Stillwell first, because it's closest, and check that out. If things don't look good I'll probably return home and have my first run of the year around the neighborhood. Either way it will be a celebration of running in good health in January. I'll never take that for granted again.

Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 run summary

812 miles (average 67.7 miles per month)

Today's run (street): 4.3 miles

After looking back on 2010's running record I am satisfied with my performance this year. Even though things started slow (pneumonia limited January's mileage to 22% of my monthly average) I still managed to cover over 800 running miles, plus numerous elliptical miles. The histogram above reflects a greater focus on distance starting in August when I was training for the Dirty Sock and Great Cow Harbor 10K's. Despite the rough start I did improve over 2009 in the following areas:

  • Average distance per run  (+ .48 miles)
  • Longest distance run (+ 1.7 miles)
  • Average speed per run (+ .2 MPH)
  • Average run cadence (+ 2 steps per minute)
  • Median distance per run (.45 miles)

I also attained personal bests for a 10K and longest distance covered in a single run (also single day). I'll be posting my 2011 running goals soon and also report on how I did against my 2010 goals.

This morning I went out for my final run of 2010. The temperatures have been rising over the past week and it was about 34 degrees when I stepped outside. I wore the Kinvaras that felt much better than the Karhu's that I ran in yesterday. The better feel of my running shoes combined with the crisp late December air provided an energetic start. I ran an extended version of one of my regular routes and cruised along through the neighborhood without regard to pace. I did a firmware update on my Garmin FR60 this week and haven't adjusted the display to reflect anything but time and distance. It's been fun not knowing until the end how fast I'd run my distance.

The entire run felt effortless and my cadence reflected that, averaging about 85 SPM. I ended up running about 45 seconds per mile faster than yesterday and didn't experience fatigue near the end of my run as I did on Thursday. It was a great run capping off a really good year of running. I'm hoping to do some new things in 2011, such as running a half marathon. For now I'm thankful to look forward to a full month of running in January.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Running shoes: Less is more (and more are coming soon)

An interesting line of minimalist shoes coming soon from Merrell

Today's run (street): 3.85 miles

I'm really loving the blog Minimalist Running Shoes where they review some of the lesser known brands and models on this eponymous site. Like the shoes they cover, the site is simple, with a handy method of rating the shoes against a number of criteria. I just read about Merrell's upcoming (for 2011) line of "barefoot" running shoes: the Trial, True and Tough Glove models. There are also woman's versions called Pace, Power and Pure. There are many minimalist shoes on the market or coming in 2011 and this conflicts me greatly. I already own seven pairs of running shoes (plus a few pair of retired trainers) and it's hard to justify another purchase.

I've been fortunate to acquire a number of these pairs through the review process so that's another channel to pursue. I love the Saucony Kinvaras that have helped me transition to a more neutral, mid foot, style of running and the smart thing would be to buy another pair after my current ones wear out. However, if I do that I won't have the opportunity to try the Merrell's, the New Balance Minimus, the Brooks Green Silence and a bunch of other minimalist models that sound compelling. Borrowing from that old cliche: so many running shoes, so little time.

This morning I went for my third run with the Karhu Fast 2 Fulcrum Rides. My plan was to go out normally and adjust my pace with the conditions. I started out well and the shoes were fine, although I do wish the differential between the heel and front foot was smaller. The mid-sole is chunky and that helps with impact with a mid-foot strike but I've become used to a lower riding shoe. I ran in my Brooks on the treadmill yesterday and while that has a fairly built up heel, the GTS 10 feels more stable. I enjoyed the run for the first few miles. It helped to be back on the street in the cold (but not frigid) air. I did need to be careful in some spots where snow, ice and slush remained on the road. I stayed hyper alert for cars and trucks on those narrow sections but happily there were no close calls.

By the end of the third mile I began to tire and worried that I may be getting sick. The anniversary of last year's illness and the multiple times I've caught the flu during the last week of the year make me a little paranoid. I finished just shy of four miles. I'm mildly concerned that I've lost a little base conditioning over the last few weeks but I'm certain it's related to other factors. My hope is to do at least one more long distance run before I return to the office next week. In the meantime I've been focusing more on getting in a few extra daily miles during this week.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Winterized for outdoor running

Today's run (treadmill): 3 miles

We needed to be out early this morning so I hopped on the treadmill after my wife finished her workout and ran for about 28 minutes. It was a nice run, a little longer than my usual weekday morning workout. Most importantly, it was a good recovery effort after yesterday's double session. The most remarkable thing about today's workout was the relative ease I had getting through the run.  I always say that treadmill minutes seem far longer than street or trail minutes. Today I felt great throughout the entire run, starting at a moderate pace and slowing building speed as I went along.

The combination of sun and warming temperatures have cleared a lot of snow from the local roads and I'm hoping that I'll be able to run outside by this weekend. Earlier this week I picked up some acrylic fleece, over-the-ear running hats at a great discount. They will be essential gear on those freezing runs at 4:00 AM between now and March. After inventorying my running stuff yesterday I concluded that I am now fully equipped for the winter. Too bad because I love to buy running gear. On the other hand it's good to know that I'll be well prepared to run this winter, no matter what the conditions bring.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Karhu take two: a better experience indoors

Today's workout:
Treadmill run: 3.14 miles
Elliptical: 25 minutes

It's still early in the vacation -- more days to go then have passed. We got out today for the first time since the snowstorm hit and had a great afternoon. This morning I took the time to clean out my running area in the guest room. This involved getting rid of a number of items that had been taking up space in an armoire that serves as the repository for my running gear. This cabinet also contains a large collection of technology supplies that I keep on hand in support of our network and computers. I got rid of many obsolete cables and peripherals and reduced my running shoe collection by targeting my ASICS 1130's for donation. I was able to recover enough space to organize my running shirts, shorts, cold weather gear and socks into different drawers. A much needed exercise completed.

Exercise came in all forms today, before we all headed out I spent close to an hour on an indoor workout, first on the treadmill and then on the elliptical. I wore the Karhu Fast 2's because I wanted to try them under different conditions. I had found the Karhu's to be stiff and in conflict with my form when I wore them for a street run last Friday. Today they felt better and I don't know why. Perhaps it was the treadmill surface versus running on pavement. It may be that I wasn't physically up for the run on Friday and I assumed it was the shoes. On the treadmill the stiffness did not seem noticeable and the shoes seemed to move far better with my foot than they did last time. I focused on landing on my forefoot and the Karhu's didn't impede my form in any way.

I followed the treadmill run with 25 minutes on the elliptical and by the time I finished I felt the way I do after eight miles running on the road. I'm not sure what I'll do tomorrow for a workout. The thought of another treadmill session is unappealing but with all the snow the roads are narrow and the sidewalks are buried. Hopefully we'll see the temperatures rise enough to make the streets runnable. I'm not counting on that, but it would be nice.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Two feet of reasons to rest

The snowstorm seems to be winding down and despite almost two feet of accumulation and 40 MPH winds our driveway and walk are mostly clear. My wife and I headed outside around 6:00 AM this morning to deal with the snow that had fallen since we'd finished shoveling last night. With the proper clothing and our coordinated efforts we cleared the grounds in less than an hour. My wife has gone out for a final clean up and as long as the winds don't blow the drifts back onto the driveway we should be in good shape. Temperatures should rise over the next few days and that will help clear the neighborhood roads.

I thought about how fun it would be to drive to Stillwell and run the snowy trails. The canopy probably caught a good amount of snow but the volume is so great that it's probably made most of the trails impassable. Last February we got socked with a big storm just prior to the XTERRA 6K that made the course at Stillwell both slippery and difficult. The spirit of adventure makes a run in the woods compelling, but even with all-wheel drive I don't want to take any chances on the icy roads. So I'm either going to take my usual Monday rest day or do an indoor workout. In addition, I suppose all the shoveling counts for something.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Pre-blizzard Sunday run

Today's run (street): 4 miles

It's only beginning
The snow is starting to come down hard after a period of light flakes. This morning I went to the local market to pick up some necessary items and the supermarket was a madhouse. I was glad I made the effort and now the house is well stocked. We may get 18 inches between today and tomorrow but at least I won't need to deal with the Long Island Railroad's inability to deal with snow in the morning. Plus the shoveling will provide some much needed some upper body exercise.

I was re-reading my posts from a year ago trying to determine when my pneumonia manifested itself. The scary thing is that just a couple of days before I was slammed by illness I had run four good miles at Stillwell. Even so, I feel far better today than I felt a year ago, but the fear of another bout with something looms large. At 9:30 AM the skies were gray but no snow was falling. I figured I should get out for a few miles because it could take days before the roads were clear again. I've experimented with some of the gels from KWL's holiday gift basket and learned that one gel and half a glass of water, consumed 30 minutes before a run, seems to provide a positive result.

I chose a route that is different from what I normally run and ended up covering four miles at a moderate overall pace. I felt like I could go forever during the first three miles but I picked up my speed after that point which took my run from nice-and-easy to semi-brisk. I wore the Kinvaras that reminded me again how perfect a minimalist running shoe can feel. By the time I returned home I was accompanied by lightly falling snow. The kids are out back playing in the already accumulated inches and my wife and I will soon do the first of many driveway shovelings between today and tomorrow. Between that and today's run I may end up with a whole body workout.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

First run with the Karhu Fast 2's plus a Stillwell holiday run

Yesterday's run (street): 3.5 miles
Today's run (Stillwell Woods): 6.1 miles

Apparently today is some sort of holiday because Stillwell Woods was pretty empty this morning when I arrived for my run. Just a little seasonal humor folks. Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate and for those of us who don't, enjoy this relaxing day because tomorrow we'll all be shoveling snow.

I've been off work since Thursday afternoon and have been enjoying the time off with my family. Yesterday morning I went out for my first run with the Karhu Fast 2's. Based upon wearing them around the house, I had certain expectations for these shoes. The "Fulcrum" technology is supposed to guide a runner's landing to a spot behind the arch to facilitate forward propulsion. After lacing up the Fast 2's for my run I noticed a big difference in the feel between the front and back. I assumed that was an effect of the fulcrum and I held judgment until I took off.

My immediate reaction was to compare the shoes to the Kinvaras. While the Kinvaras are light and very flexible on toe-off, the Fast 2's are very stiff at the front. Far stiffer than any other shoe I own and I own a lot of running shoes. I tried to stay open minded about this difference and moved along fairly well until I reached a slight downhill section and noticed that the lack of flexibility was causing some misalignment in my stride. As I ran further I felt an unusual amount of strain on the ankle area at the top of my right foot. It was making my leg tired and I had barely covered a mile.

I reached a point in my route where I would run straight for a while so I picked up the pace to see how they felt in a full on run. Despite the Fast 2's promise as a speed and racing shoe I found myself missing the Kinvaras and the Adrenalins, both of which provide a more muscular response to quick turnovers. I plan to take the Fast 2's out a few more times and try them under different conditions before I judge them too harshly. They are high quality shoes and are probably ideal for runners that prefer a stiffer ride.

It seemed like a good idea to run the trails at Stillwell this morning and it turned out great. Despite 25 degree weather it all felt good. I wore my Brooks GTS 10's that I've neglected lately in favor of the Kinvaras. Even though the Adrenalins aren't trail shoes they work well on hard packed, non-technical trails like the ones I ran today. Compared to the Karhu's, the Brooks felt far more natural. I followed a course I knew well, a loop that weaves through numerous sections of the western end of the Woods. Each loop measures about two miles so I ran it three times. I only encountered a couple of mountain bikers today but I did see a surprising number of hikers and a few other runners. I felt great throughout the run and appreciated the short but steamy shower that followed. I hope that everyone is enjoying this holiday as much as I am today.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Central Park work-year ender

Yesterday's run (Central Park): 3.25 miles

We didn't run too far or too fast but yesterday's run with JQ was perfect in its own way.  After a long year that started with a bout of severe pneumonia it was great to finish up with with an early winter's run around Central Park. It's been cold all week and Thursday was no exception, 33 degrees plus wind. JQ and I have run often enough that our route is assumed, starting from the southern end and following the eastern loop, crossing the top of the Great Lawn and then coming back down to our starting point. Running with others is a treat, with the conversation and the activity amplifying the positives of both. JQ is an extremely interesting person who is also a great listener. I always want to repeat our course when we come to our finish just to extend the experience.

I'm on vacation until January 3rd and I'm looking forward to some quiet time off. At the same time I'm a little anxious about getting sick because it seems like I always suffer some type of illness on this year-end break. I'm not concerned about pneumonia or the flu this year because I've been inoculated against both. That said, I'm not going to push too hard on my runs this week. I'll probably go out for a short easy run today and attempt a longer distance run tomorrow or Sunday. I have all next week to run without the constraints of commuting schedules so I might try runs at Caleb Smith or Muttontown Preserve. I'm planning to try my new Karhu Fast 2 Fulcrum_Rides on today's run. That should be an interesting experience.

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