Showing posts with label wind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wind. Show all posts

Friday, February 8, 2013

Blizzard conditions outside and hard running inside

Ready or not, here it comes
Today's run (treadmill): 30 minutes

The snow is upon us and, as the local weather guy just said, "You ain't seen nothing yet." The wind is blowing and I'm worried about losing power. Despite all the contingency planning, I have little reason to believe LIPA and National Grid will be up to the task. I'm glad we have a generator that can power a hot plate and heater (plus TV, laptop, phone, and coffee machine) but I'm hoping we won't need to do that.

It wasn't snowing when I was ready to run this morning, but conditions had already turned unpleasant. The wind was building and there was intermittent rain. My wife did her daily treadmill workout and I followed her once she'd finished. Due to the weather, I had no intention of going into the city today. I was able to conduct a lot of business from the comfort of my home office/guest bedroom/fitness room.

I got right into my run, starting at a brisk pace and speeding up further as I got closer to the end. It's true that the more you run faster paces, the easier it is to maintain them. I don't think the treadmill display is close to accurate. A 9:30 pace feels super fast and a 9:00 pace feels like a sprint. Technically, I ran a 9:19 pace, but it felt harder than the 8:45 I ran outdoors a few days ago.

I may do a combination elliptical and treadmill workout tomorrow. If we don't have power, my only option will be the elliptical without display or resistance. I'm hoping that we'll get through this storm free of disruption to both power and running.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

10 degree running is still better than the treadmill

Today's run (street): 4.6 miles

It was important to me to get outside for my run this morning. The weather had kept me indoors since last Sunday, including yesterday's treadmill session. I always feel a little cheated when I miss the opportunity to run outdoors on a weekend day. I switched on News 12 while I got my running gear organized and the temperature at the bottom of the screen showed 10°. I grabbed a few extra layers and got ready to go outside.

Despite the cold, the skies were sunny and that made it extra frustrating when it took over five minutes for my Garmin to acquire a signal. The roads were much clearer than yesterday and, once on the street, I settled into a comfortable pace. The first half mile is a gentle uphill slope and I was dealing with headwinds for most of that section. The chilly wind made my eyes water and it was uncomfortable where my glasses touched my face.

Once I made a change in direction, the sun (minus wind) made it more tolerable. I didn't push too hard because my layers were keeping me comfortable. I targeted four miles for my run and set a route that would get me to that distance. Around the forty minute mark I saw that my performance was tracking below target, so I stepped it up a little. 

After yesterday's hard effort I didn't care all that much about running fast today, but I was still a little disappointed with my time. Despite the high treadmill frequency this week, I managed to cover my distance goals, including nine miles this weekend. The weather is supposed to get warmer next week so I'm hoping to get out at least once in the morning. The elliptical should be arriving soon, so I'll finally have a cross-training option for my morning workouts.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Machine made speed run

Today's run (treadmill speed run): 3.2 miles

The weather report this morning confirmed my decision to keep my workout indoors. The wind chill would bring temperatures down to the low 20's and the local track has plenty of wind. While I got ready to run I debated the level of intensity that I'd put to the task. I had looked up treadmill intervals online and considered doing that, but I settled on a more moderate speed session.

The online workout specified a brief warmup followed by five minutes at 7.1 MPH, the next five at 7.3 and then a .2 MPH step up every three minutes until you reached the 20 minute mark. Though short in duration, it was a bit more than I was willing to take on today. I decided to start at 6.1 and blip up my speed every few minutes until I was running in the low 7's. If the treadmill's display was accurate, I ended up averaging under a nine minute pace, despite starting out at 9:50.

I find treadmill running harder than street running, yet I tend to push myself harder on the treadmill. I suspect it has to do with the shorter stride that probably increases my cadence. A treadmill speed workout is a good start towards re-honing my performance edge, but I really do need to get back to the track. Still, with temperatures heading toward zero, you won't see me there this week.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Ready to fight the slowdown

Command performance tomorrow?
Today's run (street). 5.3 miles

Today's workout was typical for a Sunday run, although I did follow an untypical route. In an effort to break out of the neighborhood, I crossed Rt. 25 and did my run along Jericho Turnpike. I turned north up Jackson Ave. and then headed east, past the train station. Once I reached a natural endpoint, I retraced my route with an additional segment going west on Jericho. This allowed me to reach my targeted distance.

It was a perfectly pleasant run and the weather seemed milder than yesterday. The route provided some hill challenges but the wind was less intense. Despite the nice weather and what felt like an efficient stride, I was shocked to see that I'd clocked a pace over ten minutes a mile. Usually I can blame the terrain, the weather, or simply fatigue for a slow run. Yes, there were some hills, but my net elevation gain was only 250 feet over five miles.

Sometimes I worry that I'm slowing down. Four years ago, I could count on at least a couple of runs in the 8:00 range every week. Nowadays, except for races, I rarely break 9:20. I know that some of this is due to a lapse in competition since October. I can't remember the last time I did speed work, although I often run the last five minutes of my treadmill runs in the eight-minute range.

I'm thinking about returning to the track to run some intervals. It will be a nice change from the local roads. While I don't love the work, I usually feel great after a hard workout. It's supposed to be extremely cold on Monday so I may rethink this decision in the morning. Our treadmill can go 12 MPH so I could always do my intervals in the comfort of my own home.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Late start, stiff winds and some different roads to run

Today's run (street): 5.25

It took a while, but I finally got myself out the door for a run this morning. All week long I'd looked forward to getting a couple of extra hours sleep. I slept well last night and still got up up relatively early. Somehow the time slipped by and I found myself standing outside at 9:30 AM, waiting for my Garmin to acquire its signal.

I wasn't thrilled to do another weekend run in the neighborhood, but my procrastination had limited my options. My plan was to run a nearby loop and then head over to neighborhood #2. I set off running north and quickly encountered stiff winds coming from that direction. The weather report said that these winds would make it feel like 27 degrees and they were right. A slight change in direction made a huge difference. Without the wind, the warming sun made it quite pleasant.

Before long, I was running through the southern neighborhood, battling headwinds in one direction and appreciating the tailwinds when going the other way. Halfway through, I checked my distance and saw that I hadn't made as much progress as I'd liked for the time I'd been running. I picked up my speed from there and finished within acceptable range for my overall pace.

It's supposed to be even colder tomorrow so I'll need to give some thought as to where I might run. It was nice to get out of the neighborhood today for a slight change of scenery. Perhaps I'll find a more interesting route tomorrow.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Taking the warmer option on a windy and chilly day

Today's run (treadmill): 30 minutes

It's been a busy day catching up on errands and taking care of things around the house. The winds have been blowing hard all day, and the temperatures have stayed below freezing. I decided early in the day to follow my wife on the treadmill, where I did 3+ miles (I always question the accuracy of the treadmill's display) at a decent clip.

We're heading out shortly to see some friends for dinner. I'm going to try to convince my buddy to do the Hangover Run with me on Tuesday. Even though he's a runner, I don't think he'll want to deal with the early hour or the cold. I am looking forward to the Fun Run  and may do a short run tomorrow as well, since the Hangover isn't a race and I don't feel like I'll need to take a day to taper.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Harsh weather, a tough run and a happier mind

Lots of protection from 5 little ounces
Today's run (street): 3.4 miles

Last night's wind and rain carried over into morning and the world looked dark and dreary when I got up. I hadn't thought much about running except for the hope that the weather would clear. I really wanted to avoid another indoor workout if I could. The gray skies and slick roads did little to motivate me so I waited a few hours before deciding to head out.

The cold had prompted me to put on a couple of top layers, but I didn't realize how nasty it was until I finally stepped outside. Conditions were chilly, wet and windy and I immediately returned to the house to grab my running windbreaker. I'd bought this ASICS Serpent jacket at a race Expo four years ago and have always found it effective against rain and wind. My only issue with it has been its tendency to trap heat. Today that worked to my advantage.

I've been fighting the beginning of a cold and set out at an easy pace, running into headwinds and a spray of light rain. My gear selection: three top layers, City Sport winter weight running pants, gloves and an over-the-ears wicking hat, kept me surprisingly comfortable over the first mile. As I moved through the streets, the wind began to pick up and the rain got heavier. I laughed at the unpleasant conditions but chose to keep going. I hoped that things would improve, but they never did.

The winds were challenging and, at times, it felt like they undercut my speed by half. After three miles the conditions had become exhausting and the rain made it increasingly difficult to see through my glasses. I hurried home through the final set of roads, pushing as hard as I could just to get to the end.

Despite the harsh conditions I was very glad that I did this run. I wasn't in the best mood in the morning and had considered taking a rest day. My wife wisely (and strongly) suggested that I get out, saying that a run would change my perspective. Once again, she was right. Tough runs often lead to a far better outlook.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Coffee powers an out of cycle run

Today's run (street): 4.1 miles

I got out a little late this morning because I wanted to spend some extra time with our house guests. I'm used to early morning workouts and I always anticipate a tougher time when I run outside of my preferred window. It may have been the three big cups of coffee I had throughout the morning, but I felt ready to run when I headed out close to noon.

After yesterday's change of scenery, where I covered some roads north of Jericho Turnpike, I was fine staying closer to home today. My energy level was high and my pace felt fluid, but stiff winds coming from the northwest brought the wind chill down to freezing. Running directly into the wind was uncomfortable, but a slight change in direction brought sudden improvement. I maintained good energy throughout the run, despite getting a late start. Hooray for caffeine.

I had planned to run four miles or 40 minutes, whichever came first. For performance sake, I was hoping it would be the former. I ended up covering a little more than four miles while coming in under forty minutes. This put me at 22 miles for the week, two miles over my weekly target of 20. The time off due to Thanksgiving contributed to a higher mileage week. Still, I need to start focusing on longer distances for my individual runs.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Another windy day run

Today's run (street): 4.4 miles

Any hopes I had for calm conditions this morning were dashed when I looked outside to see the lid of a trash can go skittering by the house. The blowing air was chilly, but at least the sun was out. The winds weren't as strong as they were on Saturday, but they were still substantial. I headed off prepared to face another windy challenge.

When the wind wasn't blowing I actually felt comfortable. I wore a light jersey under a heavier quarter zip along with my favorite track pants that were insulated with my Zensah calf sleeves. I also wore my Grid Tangents that I like as much as the Mirages, if not more.

It was my last run of this vacation and I hoped to end it on a high note. I had great energy from the start, even when managing inclines with the wind at my face. Near the end I encountered a jolting crosswind that made me feel like it was 15 degrees outside, but happily realized that the wind would be to my back for the rest of my route.

I finished today's run feeling like I could have gone a few more miles without much trouble. I'd pushed my pace when I could to make up for the resistance from headwinds. I was pleased with my mid-9:00 overall pace and I'm happy to report that I hit a total of 25 miles for the week. It's back to work tomorrow and the challenge of covering that many miles will be greater next week. I really need to maintain my plan for distance runs on the weekends.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Running like a ninja (sort of)

Today's run (street): 3.3 miles

The local TV station was already reporting 30 MPH winds by the time I went outside for this morning's run. Knowing that, I wore a lightweight windbreaker over a long sleeved running shirt and a balaclava to protect my face and ears from the wind chill. I wasn't sure what I'd encounter once I reached the street, but I was prepared to be challenged when I hit these winds head-on.

Between the jacket and the snug fit of the balaclava, I felt surprisingly cozy. This gear provided great protection from the loud winds that buffeted me on all sides. Getting up the first slight incline was tougher than usual due to the extra resistance from the wind. I settled into my pace once I switched direction from north to east.

I'd only planned to run about 30 minutes so I didn't bother to conserve much energy. The resistance I felt when I headed north, even with a fairly brisk stride, was making little impact on my pace. I didn't encounter too many people along the way, but the few who were out walking their dogs did a double take when they saw me run by in all black, wearing something resembling a ninja mask.

It wasn't until I came indoors that I saw how much sweat I'd collected. It was then that I realized that neither the running jacket, nor the balaclava, provided any capability to wick or evaporate moisture. All the same, I never felt overheated during my run.

I was happy to get in a workout today, despite the sub-optimal conditions. Tomorrow's weather is supposed to be milder and far less windy. That's good because I'm hoping to cap of this vacation week with one last quality run on Sunday.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Except for the numbers, it felt like a race

Today's run (street): 2.5 miles

Maybe I spoke too soon regarding Punxsutawney Phil. He saw his shadow on Thursday and, this morning, I stepped out to unexpectedly chilly temperatures. While I stood waiting for a GPS signal, I was reminded of the minutes before the start of a winter race. I shivered and hopped, knowing that the discomforting cold would give way to warmth after a few minutes of hard running.

I'd under-dressed for my run because the local TV station displayed the temperature at 31 degrees. With steady winds, it felt much colder. My run stated in the direction of the wind (north) and the only thing that got me through the first section was the knowledge that the road would soon curve west. Even then it was still cold, so I pushed my pace a bit to generate some heat. I didn't start to feel comfortable until I'd passed my first mile.

Since I'd started the run at a brisk pace, I did my best to maintain it. I'd hoped to average close to 9:00/mile or even below. Incorporating plenty of arm swing, I thought my cadence might improve, but I wasn't able to generate the speed I was hoping for. I'm fairly certain that running at 4:00 AM, just minutes after waking up, limits my performance capabilities. But I have had a few early morning runs in the mid-8 minute range so faster times are possible.

I ran my route today 1:07 faster than on Wednesday, which gave me a half minute improvement on my pace. Although I didn't break 9:00 (or 9:10 for that matter), I was happy with my results. Still, for a run that felt at the start like a race, the numbers fell a little short.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My wife's anti-wimp technique

Today's run (street): 2.5 miles

The rain and warm temperatures have washed away most of this weekend's snow, so I headed out for a neighborhood run this morning. The treadmill, which I have long demonized, has recently become my lazy choice for a morning workout. And why not? It's ready to go when you are. A quick change into running  shoes, shorts and shirt (shirt optional), and I can go from sleeping to running in a third of the time it takes me to go outdoors.

Why did I run outside today? Because my wife made me. Last night I told her that I was planning an indoor run and she said "The rain is gone and it's going to be almost 50 degrees tomorrow morning. You really like to run outside, so why aren't you?" I couldn't tell her that I've become a wimp who prefers the easy, controlled experience of treadmill running. Or that I've been seduced by the extra time afforded by not putting on outside gear and messing with satellite acquisition.

Out I went this morning, and I had a great run. I appreciated my ability to vary speed, cadence and stride on a whim and the ever changing scenes of my neighborhood. The winds were strong and they seemed to come from multiple directions. I ran very well, but only beat my usual pace by 20 seconds per mile. It was probably due to so many headwinds. The important thing was that, due to my wife's prompting, I had a much  better experience than I would have on the treadmill. Maybe I should listen to her more often.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cold and wind can't keep a winter runner down

Today's run (street): 4.5 miles

Conditions were dry, cold and windy this morning but that didn't dissuade me from going out for a run. I far prefer 25° plus wind chills over 80° with high humidity. The trick is to bundle up enough to make the first mile bearable, without becoming overheated by the third. I wore my new half-zip over a long sleeved tech shirt and my new CS running pants below. These pants do a very good job of blocking wind.

I wore my Saucony Mirages that felt 100% better than the Karhu Fast 2's that I wore on yesterday's run. The Mirage's low stack height and minimal ramp angle enable a natural mid-foot fall. This is very different from the Karhu's thick mid-sole that seems to get in the way of leg extension. It's as if the road is an inch higher when your foot hits the ground -- both jarring and disconcerting.

The chilly air was energizing and the wind at my back helped to propel me. Head-on, the wind felt uncomfortable, especially where my glasses touched my face. Fortunately my route didn't have too many roads that faced west so it wasn't really an issue. My strength had improved from yesterday and my run was mostly pleasant. I had enough strength coming up on my last mile to pick up the pace considerably.

After yesterday's tough going, I'd expected today's run to be better. It turned out to be a lot better and I was pleased with my performance overall. If the rain holds off tomorrow I may go for a trail run with a friend. If not, I may spend some quality time on the elliptical machine.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Stacking the deck the wrong way

Karhu Fast 2 - a contributing factor
Today's run (street): 3.4 miles

This morning's temperature was a mild 44°, but the winds from the west made it feel much colder. I decided to run with my new Alpine Design half-zip that I hoped would block wind. I was pleased that it did, although I would have been better off had I just worn a couple of shirt layers. I was sweating profusely by the end of my run.

I'd inadvertently stacked the deck against having a good run by choosing the Karhu Fast 2 running shoes that I'd relegated to elliptical duty a while back. When I did a quick run in the Karhu's the other day they'd felt okay, so I thought I'd give them another try.

Other factors in play were a depleted blood supply (from my doctor's visit yesterday) and a very large, calorie-laden meal at our friends last night. This included a Guinness stout and my system isn't used to alcohol. I've only had the equivalent of five beers in all of 2011.

My route was through the neighborhood and I didn't plan to run it fast. I figured 3+ miles would be an easy workout. By mile I realized it would be difficult to get through the entire run but I was determined to do it. The wind didn't help and I felt hot and very tired. The Karhu's high platform made it difficult to maintain a fluid stride.

By the time I'd finished, I was surprised by my level of exhaustion. I guess if I'd thought about it I would have chosen different gear and charted an even shorter route. But good runs usually follow bad ones, so I'll hope for better experiences throughout the week.

Friday, October 14, 2011

A little wind may make a tough course tougher

It was nice to take a rest day this morning, especially since it's been a busy week. I probably should have run through a quick set of core exercises or done some upper body work, but I decided to enjoy my coffee and the extra time instead. I'm hearing that the rain will clear out tonight but tomorrow morning will be very windy. I'm not sure what that will mean to runners, but if the wind comes from the south that long hill on the first mile and a half will be a lot tougher.

Again I've reached the point where my training ends and the result of that effort will be reflected at the finish line the next day. I'm not expecting a 5K PR considering the hilly course and the possible wind issue. Either way, if it's tough for me then it will be tough for the hundreds of others who will also participate. This may be the first time I race in October. Seems hard to believe, but I think it's true.

Correction: I ran the Cape Cod Marathon Relay in October!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Windy morning run

Today's run (street): 3.85 miles

A morning appointment prompted me to run early today. As I prepared my running gear I heard the winds howl and I checked the thermometer to see that the temperature (with wind chill) was in the low 30's. My window of time before I needed to leave for my appointment was small so I figured I'd be happy to get three miles in. I'm on vacation until the 28th so I wasn't as concerned about covering distance as I normally would on a Saturday.

I wore a stretchy short sleeved base layer under a half zip that my kids gave me for Valentines Day. On top of that I wore my trusty ASICS windbreaker and that turned out to be a perfect combination for today's conditions. I had a busy work week that preempted my running schedule. I missed my Tuesday workout and did not feel well on Thursday so I didn't run that day. I slept well last night and had hoped this week's light workout schedule would have set me up for an energetic run. Even so,  I struggled a bit at the beginning but that could have been due to the stiff headwinds that made it hard to maintain good running form.

I've taken to having a gel 30 minutes before my longer runs but I forgot to do that until a few minutes before I left. Consequently,  I didn't get any benefit until I was halfway through the run. I never felt particularly good but as I progressed through my route I did run better, with negative splits for the second and third miles. I'm not sure if I'll visit Stillwell or Bethpage tomorrow or if I'll wait until Monday to try a trail run. I'm concerned that we'll get more snow on Monday and that could push my opportunity for off road running even further away.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Brisk weather, brisker run

Today's run (street) 2.7 miles

Earlier this week I traded Turkey Trot experiences with my friend CK. He runs the same Thanksgiving day five mile race every year and tries to beat the neighborhood "kids" who are now in their 20's. CK ran that hilly course in 8:20 this year, slower than he'd hoped. I was happy to tell him that I PR'd on the 10K distance and paced under 9:00 per mile. CK said wanted to break eight minutes on his race and I started thinking about what it would have taken for me to do that at Long Beach. For a 10K race (6.2 miles), using my 55:10 time as a benchmark, I would have had to run every mile one minute faster than I did to hit 7:59. Given the difficulty in achieving 8:53 overall, that's a significant challenge. Perhaps breaking 8:40 would be a better target.

This morning I went out with no plans to run fast but when I hit the street everything was working for me. Almost everything, actually, the winds were stiff coming from the north and though I'd dressed for cold the chill and force were a factor. Still, I felt strong and my energy level was greater than it had been in a while. I didn't pay attention to my speed even as I passed the first mile. It wasn't until I passed mile two so quickly that I realized I was pacing far better than usual. I continued to run hard until I reached home and checked the Garmin's readout. Gmaps confirmed the pace: 8:44 per mile. This was the fastest run I've done in a long time. In fact I'll need to look at Garmin Connect to see how long it's been since I've averaged that pace. I don't know how I'll do tomorrow but today I feel good about my abilty to run in the 8:00 range.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Torrential rains are just fine AFTER I run

Today's run (street): 2.45 miles at 9:07

My wait at the train station, all eight minutes of it, began with a little rain and a moderate breeze. By the time the train came the winds had picked up measurably and the light rain turned into a downpour. Or should I say "sidepour" with the wind coming in horizontally. This resulted in half my clothes getting soaked while the other half remained dry. It was far different from when I went out this morning to run. Last night I'd set my expectations low for an outdoor morning workout and thought positively about how I might play with the elevations on the treadmill and also see how my Kinvaras performed indoors. In truth I despise treadmill running and secretly hoped for a weather miracle that would keep the rain away from western Long Island.

I heard no rain against the skylight when I got up and decided that it was worth trying an outside run. The winds coming in from the south were strong but there was nothing coming down. I set a route that would keep me fairly close to home in the event that the skies opened up in the middle of my run. The air was very humid so the winds provided a nice respite when they did hit. And they hit hard. I came around one corner into a headwind that nearly carried off my hat and headlamp. I managed to grab them in time but I soon took them off and carried them after another big wind swept through. Knowing that I might need to cut the run short if it rained I pushed the speed a little and tried to stay in the high 8 minute range as much as I could. I didn't break 9:00 but I liked that I was close. I was fortunate that the rain held off, allowing me to complete a decent weekday morning run.

The predictions of weekend temperatures in the low '60's have changed to 70's and that will be fine with me if the air dries out. Going out early will also mean that I'm running during the coolest part of the day. I'm still thinking long run or trail run for Saturday. My daughter wants to run as well so I may go out twice that day. It will be interesting to see how well I do keeping up with the Cross Country Kid.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Two miles the hard way

After a very full day I decided to do an early evening run at the track. It's near the end of our vacation so we've tried to pack a lot in over the last few days and I didn't get an opportunity to run in the morning. Today was cold and I dressed for the weather but the wind chill was tough. I was only planning to run a couple of miles today but at a faster pace than normal.

As I've mentioned before, the wind at the track really comes in hard at certain angles and it almost feels like running uphill. The wind picked up greatly after the first ten minutes and the effect was palpable. If not for passing a couple of people walking the outside lanes I would have thought I was standing still. My splits were pretty wide with the first mile at 8:39 and second at 9:52 for an overall pace around 9:25. I had to push hard to maintain a sub-10:00 pace for the second mile and when I finished the back of my throat was really burning. I was happy that I ran but today's run was much more work than fun.

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