Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Runners: emerging and re-emerging

This morning I did my first elliptical workout since discovering that a high resistance level can provide an equivalent effort to running. I had hoped to maintain a level of 10 (approximately 100 watts of energy) throughout the workout but I ended up averaging about 7 which kept my pulse rate about 10% lower than when I run. I wouldn't call it an intense workout but after 20 minutes I certainly felt like I worked harder than I did with previous elliptical workouts.

While I've been improving my routines for cross training and distance my wife has been changing hers as well. She has been serious about fitness for as long as I have known her and was doing some intense cross training and walking until she developed a debilitating calcium deposit in her shoulder late last year. She has worked hard to get past that and has returned to daily workouts, changing things up to minimize a reoccurrence of her injury. Over the last few weeks she started incorporating running into her treadmill routine, first in 5 minute intervals and now around 30 minutes at a time. I encouraged her to buy real running shoes and I think she appreciates the difference. I'm hoping we can all go to the track this weekend where she can experience some outdoor running.

My friend Adventure Girl has had a tough time over the last few months due to a bad soccer injury that required shoulder surgery in December. Consequently she has not been able to run, play soccer, rock climb or adventure race and I can't help wonder how frustrating her recovery has been. The good news is that she's been given the okay to begin running again and started last night. CK, another friend and experienced runner, has been suffering from a foot injury since late last year and he hasn't been running since completing a Turkey Trot in November. He's been skiing, playing hockey and doing other sports that don't cause the same stress on his foot as running. I'm seeing him today and hopefully he'll report that he's back to his running routine.

I'm glad to see everyone making so much progress!

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