Monday, October 10, 2011

Celebrating Columbus Day a different way

Today's workout (elliptical): 37 minutes

Happy Columbus Day. I'm spending the middle of my day at the doctor getting my annual checkup and associated tests. Good health requires activity and a lot of maintenance.

This morning I substituted my run for a longer elliptical session. It was an opportunity to work out with my wife while she ran on the treadmill.  After two days of hill practice today's workout was a breeze.

As I'd mentioned, my wife ran on the treadmill, which survived the console replacement that I did on Sunday. Unfortunately it seems like the elevation control needs to be calibrated and I need some instruction to help me do that. Until that happens the machine won't do inclines. In the meantime the treadmill itself works fine. Nothing is ever simple.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Ups and downs at Bethpage State Park

Dear Garmin: I can't recall that 90 foot spike at 1.4 miles
Today's run (Bethpage State Park): 4.2 miles -- 4 x 800m downhill, 4 x 800m uphill

Yesterday's training run at the business park provided some hilly terrain but the net gain was less than what I'll face next Saturday. I decided to head to Bethpage and do some hill repeats. My plan was to run up and down the big hill that comes at the beginning of the bike path. This hill comes at the end of my out-and-back long runs and I always dread it. I wondered how I'd feel running it four times today.

Since what goes up must also come down, I started my session going downhill after an initial climb up a steep but short section off the trail head. I ran this hill to the half mile point, turned around and came back up until my Garmin showed that I'd gone a half a mile in both directions. I repeated this exercise four times with no stopping between intervals.

The first two miles were easy. While I'm usually encountering this big hill after an hour's worth of running, today I was still relatively fresh. The downhill segments served as a nice recovery from the harder work of coming back up.  I saw a lot of other runners today and wondered if they were also training for next week's race, since Bethpage's path has many hills along its route.

It was a good workout but not as hard as I feared. The second two miles were a little tougher, but I never felt over-taxed. That may be a sign that my conditioning is in line for next Saturday's course that is half uphill and half down. I didn't push hard on the downhill sections but I didn't hold back either. I figure that after I crest the highest point on the Oyster Bay 5K, I can let loose on the decline knowing that the hardest part of the race has already been run.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Two projects: Pure and Sole

Mis-Connecting with the PureConnect
Today's run (street): 4.75 miles

Yesterday I had lunch with a colleague and then headed over to City Sports to look at some new items.  I'd received an email this week from City Sports saying they had Brooks's new line of Pure Project shoes. These shoes, inspired by the minimalist running movement, have been greatly anticipated. If you follow Brooks on Twitter you might think that running in them approaches a religious experience.

My lunch mate is an avid cyclist so, while he went off to look at bike gear, I made my way to the running shoe section. I was helped by a salesperson who actually knew something about running shoes. This was a pleasant surprise because I usually get people who know very little about the differences between brands and models.

My salesman asked if I'd like to try a pair of the PureConnects, Brook's most minimal model in the Pure Project line. I tried them on and my excitement was immediately deflated when I felt how snugly the shoe wrapped my mid-foot and arch. The back and front of the shoe felt awkwardly separated. The salesperson claimed that this snugness facilitated a mid-foot landing and I told him I didn't think it was necessary to clamp my arch to do that. I did some strides in the limited space and did not think the shoes felt especially responsive.

Undeterred, the salesperson had me try on the PureFlow model which is a little more cushioned and has a stabilizing component that, interestingly, sits opposite from the medial side of the shoe. The Flow felt better on my foot than the Connect but I still didn't like it. I tried a quick "run" and felt no chemistry. My primary rule about a running shoe is never believe sales people when they say "They will feel better when you run in them." Sorry, but no. If it doesn't feel right in the store, I'm done.

The obelisk in "2001: A Space Odyssey" looked harmless too
Speaking of "projects", this weekend I will attempt to do a console-ectomy on the Sole to replace the system board that is preventing us from adjusting the speed of the treadmill. Right now, the parts are sitting in a huge box in the living room and I'm scared to look inside. I have a bad track record with "repairs" and I'm a little intimidated by the task.

Finally, I hit the local business park this morning to practice running roads with elevation. I needed to be back early, otherwise I would have headed to Bethpage. I ran to the park and circled the loop three times before heading back home. The route is not especially steep but there is a steady incline over half the distance.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to get in some speed work as I look toward next week's 5K. I may also try running some inclines on the treadmill. That is, if I don't permanently destroy the new control board today.  

Friday, October 7, 2011

Good runs, bad runs, isn't all just timing?

At some point on this hill I will question why I did this race
Today's run (street): 2.4 miles

I looked at a course map for the Oyster Bay 5K that I plan to run on Saturday, October 15. The first 1.3 miles are all uphill and, according to Gmaps and MapMyTri, the overall elevation gain is greater than James Street, the bane of Cow Harbor racers. The saving grace, if there is one, is that this hill stretches a lot farther than James Street, and that may mean that the grade is lower. I'm hoping that's true.

My run today was a little disappointing. After good experiences on Wednesday and Thursday, where I had great energy and form, I had hoped for another good run. I can't explain it exactly, but I felt unbalanced and under-powered this morning. I even modified my route, shortening its length to save time after a late start. As I was running, I thought about whether I'd be the "Thursday me" or the "Friday me" when I go out on the hilly course a week from now.

So, what does it mean when you run well for days and then you don't? In this case, I don't think it means that much. I probably needed more rest and it wouldn't hurt for me to stretch a little. Sometimes it's timing of your performance curve, good days and bad. Right now I'm hoping this 5K coincides with a good running day. With that hill, I'm going to need all the advantage I can get.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Gear gremlins and going gloveless

A great headlamp when it works
Today's run (street): 2.5 miles

My Petzl headlamp has served me well over the years but this morning I was ready to toss it into the trash. This unit (Tikka Plus) is extremely lightweight and I often forget that I'm even wearing it. But the light weight comes at the cost of fragility. The plastic assembly doesn't secure the three AAA batteries in position very well and slight movements will occasionally disrupt the connection and cause the lamp to go dark. This morning it took me over five minutes to get it operational, time that's much too precious to waste in the morning.

Once I was confident that the lamp was working properly I set out for my run in temperatures that felt far colder than the reported 45°. I immediately regretted not having gloves, but I had a long sleeved jersey that I pulled over my hands. That helped a little, but it caused my shirt to bind around my shoulders and I soon abandoned that solution. I'll plan to bring gloves tomorrow unless it truly warms up as expected. The run itself was great and I nearly broke 9:00/mile which is hard for me to do at that early hour.

I'm toying with the thought of running in Central Park tomorrow. It's been a long time since I've done a city run and since Friday's the lead-in to a holiday weekend, my afternoon schedule is light. I'll decide tonight so that I'll have time to pack gear for the morning. If Friday is as cool and bright as today a CP run could be a great pre-weekend workout.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A zap to the Sole

 Today's run (street): 2.5 miles

The recent change in seasons has reduced the humidity in the air and this is considered good news for runners. However, the consequence of dry air comes from running indoors, when static buildup plays havoc on your treadmill. That was the case this morning for my wife. She is a dedicated treadmill runner and rarely misses a workout. This morning, while adjusting the speed control, my wife felt a burst of static electricity that blew out some of the controls of the unit.

Our treadmill still works, but you can only select speeds of 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. MPH. My wife likes to do tempo runs on the machine and this involves multiple changes to speed and elevation during her workout. Today, she smartly adjusted to a higher incline to make up for slower belt speeds, but it's a compromise to her regular routine. We're hoping the Sole repairman can get to us quickly and restore the F63's controls to full functionality.

I rarely use the treadmill, preferring instead to run outside in the morning. When it rains I am forced to run indoors so I'm hoping that the weather stays dry until the machine is fixed. I had a great run this morning, the temperature was 57 and the humidity was low. I worked on my form and posture as I ran and tried to push my cadence to gain more speed. It's fall racing season so I'm also thinking about incorporating more core work in the days leading up to my next race.

I feel bad for my wife who will need to adapt her routine until the treadmill issues are resolved. She's dedicated to her 5:00 AM workouts but I'm not sure she'd be too keen on joining me on my 4:00 AM runs.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

5K is an interesting distance

Today's workout (elliptical): 25 minutes

I've been remiss of late with my Emerging Runner postings. The past week was busy and I occasionally missed my opportunity to write. I hope to get back on track this week. But who says you can't take a blogging rest day every once in a while?

I've had some low level pain in my knee since Sunday so I decided to do a low impact workout this morning. The elliptical machine is a great thing to have under these circumstances. These sessions yield good aerobic exercise and the elliptical motion protects strained muscles and tendons. My goal was to exceed my targeted distance within my allotted 25 minutes and I put some work into that today.

As I went through today's workout, I thought about my next race. It's a 5K, a distance that I tend to avoid because it's a lot of prep for an event that, even for me, goes by in under 30 minutes. But 5K is a great distance for beginning runners who may not be ready to compete on longer courses. Similarly, experienced runners who can test their conditioning by going out fast and keeping the throttle down until they cross the line.

I am looking forward to running this race on the 15th. It's in Oyster Bay, part of the annual Oyster Festival. Although I live near there, I've never run on those roads. I'm curious to see how I'll do in a race where I can push hard, almost from the beginning, without worrying much about bonking near the end (as happens sometimes when I drive hard during 10K's). I'm thinking that speed and hills will be the theme for next weekend. Hope my knee feels better by then.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Two runs: One muddy and one with my buddy

Today's runs (Stillwell Woods: 3.75 miles, 1 mile: street)

I headed over to Stillwell Woods this morning for a change of pace from pavement. I wasn't thinking about trail conditions, but recent rains had soaked the trees and the paths below. I wore my Mirages that do a credible job on dirt trails, but they have no waterproofing capabilities.

After seeing some large pooling along the main trail, I cut into a side path that would lead me toward my usual loop. The mud was slippery and the Mirages, intended primarily for roads, proved unstable at times. I switched to a different route that I thought might be drier and continued along until I crossed back over to my normal route.

I worried about catching a root or a rock that would send me flying into a puddle of muddy water. There were a few close calls but I managed to stay upright throughout the run. As a result of the mud, the trails were almost empty. I only encountered a single mountain biker and a woman who was running her dogs around the big field.

I circled the field thinking that the sun exposure would have dried out that trail, but I found many slippery spots. I finished my run with hard sprint past the trail head to the Stillwell entrance and then back to my car. I felt so good that I didn't want my run to end.

Another minimalist runner in the family
When I got home, my daughter was up for a quick run around the neighborhood. We recently bought her a pair of Saucony Kinvaras and she felt like taking them out for a spin. We took off at a moderate pace with my daughter pulling ahead with a little more speed. We completed our distance quickly and I was pleased to have had a nice cool down run to complete today's workout.

It's been a really nice weekend for running. I'm aiming to run the Oyster Bay Supervisor's 5K on October 15, so next weekend I'll do some speed work and hill practice. For now I'll just enjoy the fact that I had a great trail run this morning. Better still, I was back to running with my buddy -- the Emerging Runner, Jr.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Better late than never

Today's run (street): 3.3 miles 

We're back in Long Island after a couple of fun days on the Cape. I'd considered a repeat run on the Shining Sea Bikeway before we headed out, but Falmouth was engulfed in wind and rain. I figured I'd get in a run when we got home, if time allowed.

Although I far prefer to run in the morning, I sometimes consider going out for a few miles in the afternoon but rarely after 4:00 PM. In terms of performance, I tend to run better later in the day, but I don't enjoy the experience very much.

At 3:30 the skies were clear, with enough cloud cover to allow me to go out without sunglasses. I wore my Brooks for my planned easy run, but for some reason I went out fairly fast. I soon realized that my pace was too quick and I took down my speed after about a half a mile. I didn't feel like I was running all that well, but I was doing this workout more for fitness than for performance training.

I settled into a rhythm and toughed out my my goal distance of 5K. When I got close to my house, I saw my wife and daughter driving down the street where I was running. It was fun to see them because, after hundreds of times, it was the first time they'd seen me running in the neighborhood.

Even though it felt more like a plod than a run, I ended up pacing in the mid-9's. I'm sure that had to do with the time of day. I'd like to finish the long weekend with a trail run tomorrow morning. I'm hoping I run better when I get on the trails.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Bright morning on the Shining Sea Trail

Today's run (Shining Sea trail, Falmouth, MA): 5.3 miles 

School is closed because of a religious holiday, so we decided to take an impromptu trip to Cape Cod. We've spent a lot of time at the Cape and usually stay in our favorite place in Falmouth. I headed over to the Shining Sea bike trail around 6:30 AM this morning and parked in a lot that's adjacent to the trail head.

This trail is part of Falmouth's rails-to-trails system that covers many areas around the town. I set out on my run and noticed a similarity to the Bethpage bike trail, including a downhill section at the start. I enjoyed the change of scenery that included picturesque woods and cranberry bogs that spread out on both sides. There were a number of people out walking their dogs at that early hour, plus a group of cyclists and a single runner.

The trail was alive with all sorts of animal life. I counted six cotton tailed rabbits, many squirrels, and even some horses being ridden on a side trail. I ran south until I reached the 2.5 mile mark and continued another .15 miles until I reached a crossing where I turned back toward where I started. The way back felt more uphill so I was looking forward to the finish by the time I reached 5 miles. The last part of the run was an uphill section and it again reminded me of Bethpage where a tough long run is always completed with a big hill at the end. Compared to James Street or Bethpage this was fairly easy and soon I was done.

I may run this trail again tomorrow morning before we head back to Long Island. I do wish that we had a system of trails like that one in my town. But I can't really complain since I have Staywell Woods so close by. A run there before the end of the weekend would make a nice bookend to today's run on the Shining Sea.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Payoff from yesterday's ad hoc workout

Today's run (street): 2.6 miles

I'm the early morning darkness it's sometimes difficult to tell if its raining until you actually step outside. I've misjudged the weather more than once and been forced back upstairs onto the treadmill or the elliptical.
I feared that I might encounter a light rain when I stepped out this morning, but the skies were clear and the humidity was moderate.

The light was interesting at 4:00 AM, brighter than I'd have expected, with a light breeze moving the trees around. I set off and immediately felt the difference in humidity compared to Sunday, when I'd last run outdoors. It was much cooler today, and the slight winds were making it feel even more comfortable.

My short, but tough, incline workout on Tuesday seemed to help my stride today. I had no trouble getting up to speed and I moved along with less effort than I usually require for the pace that I maintained. I added a little more distance to my route as I was enjoying the experience of a good run that can feel almost like floating. Today's run was a good reminder that mixing up your training focus with speed and hill work can lead to better results on the road.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

When time is short, make the workout harder

Artist's Rendering
Today's workout (treadmill): 12 minutes - 7.5% grade (average)

I usually wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes off so I was shocked to see that it was well past 4:00 AM when I opened my eyes this morning. I'd forgotten to set my alarm and slept 30 minutes later than normal. I'm sure I needed the additional rest, but it threw off my timing for today's workout.

I modified my plan so that I'd get the maximum benefit from the time that I still had. I chose the treadmill and quickly changed. I started with a moderate pace and cranked up the incline, beginning at 4 percent and moving up to 10 percent after a few minutes. I only had twelve minutes to get it done, so I wanted to make it worth the effort. By the time I completed this workout I felt like I'd pushed hard enough for it to count.

It was disappointing to miss my planned run but the incline workout proved challenging. I was pleased that I was still able to get some activity in this morning. On top of that I got some extra sleep. Always a bonus.

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