Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Headlamp failure saved by the treadmill

Light's out
Today's run (treadmill): 4 miles

I spent the day in the city, so I'd planned an early morning run. It's been nine months since the last time I ran in the pre-dawn darkness and, not unexpectedly, my Black Diamond headlamp wasn't working. I put in new batteries but the lamp kept going off, just like my old Petzl unit. I don't understand why it's so hard to make a headlamp with a stable battery housing.

While I wasted time trying to get the lamp to stay on, my daughter told me it was raining outside. Running in the dark, in a mix of rain and snow, was not going to happen. Instead, I got on the treadmill and hammered out 4 miles at a fairly good pace. I worried that I'd pushed too hard, considering all the NYC foot travel I was facing later in the day. I ended up doing fine.

I ended up walking pretty far today and the result was a substantial blister on the bottom of my left foot. I'm hoping it will miraculously heal overnight so I can get out on the road tomorrow (weather permitting).

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