Friday, December 14, 2012

No Ho Ho Holiday run

Today's run (treadmill): 25 minutes

I'm not exactly sure why I've veered away from racing for the time being, but I've decided against running in tomorrow's Ho Ho Ho Holiday 5K in Bethpage. Good thing I didn't prepay that $20, huh? I know if I did choose to participate, I would enjoy the race a lot. Racing provides many layers of experience: the chill of the morning air, the throngs of runners gathered for the start, the exciting first steps of the race and the combination of relief and exhilaration you feel after (finally) crossing the finish line.

Of course the time spent between the start and finish of any race is the reason why you are there. My experience during that time has ranged between sheer joy and sheer will. I've had at least two experiences when running 5K's, when I actually wished the race was longer because I was enjoying the experience so much. On the other hand, my first time running a half marathon (plagued by injury) and my second time running Cow Harbor (with oppressive heat and humidity) could be best described as voluntary torture.

Another event that happens tomorrow is the NYRR Ted Corbitt Classic 15K that's run in Central Park. Friends FS, CG and KWL will be running this 9.3 mile race that's almost two times around a loop that goes between 61st to 104th Streets. The course this year avoids the Harlem Hills, but that doesn't mean runners will have an easy time. There's still Cat Hill and they have to climb that twice. I'm rooting for my colleagues and hope they have a blast.

I still need to decide where I'll run tomorrow. I may try to get onto the Bethpage bike path from one of the connecting roads if the park entrance is still closed. I know I'll be missing the excitement of tomorrow's race and the feeling of accomplishment that comes at the end of a competitive run. On the other hand, choosing my own venue allows me to set my own pace and distance and I can sleep in a little later in the morning. Right now, that seems to be the better choice.

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