Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Rainout workout

Today's workout (elliptical): 1 hour

Today was halfway between work and play. Like most of my office colleagues, I decided to work from home. That kept my calendar relatively clear and I'd hoped I could work in a morning run before I got down to business. We heard that we'd be getting some weather, but I didn't expect it to start so early. I was willing to run in light rain but not in the frozen mix that was coming down.

I had hopes that the rain would stop long enough to let me get out for 30 minutes, but it eventually became clear that wouldn't happen. Instead of digging into some of today's objectives, I'd remained on hold. I thought about deferring my run, but the hourly weather report confirmed that the rain wasn't going to stop. I considered and rejected the treadmill and opted instead for the elliptical.

It had been a while since I'd done an elliptical workout. Although I appreciate the quietness of the machine compared with the treadmill, I'm always somewhat ambivalent about it. I usually end up feeling like I got a good workout but I'm never sure how an elliptical session compares to a run. Our Pro-Form doesn't provide a lot of information on its display and the little data it does show has no context in terms of performance.

I finally got some work done after that long elliptical session but we had a family friend come by and that put an early end to my workday. He's a nationally ranked power lifter and has more muscle in one forearm than I have in my entire body. Our friend has a background in physiology. As always, I took every opportunity to get advice on sports nutrition. It was a nice start to the Thanksgiving long weekend.

The rain should be gone by tomorrow though there's a chance of snow showers. No turkey trot this year but I'm going to get out unless conditions are too treacherous.


  1. I would have loved to listen in on that conversation! Does he run too? Where does he train/

    1. I mentioned you to him. His brother in law is a body builder and I know you have interest in that. I'm not sure where he trains. He teaches HS in Brooklyn but lives out east. I'll send you his YouTube links offline.


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