Friday, December 28, 2012

Running through a headcold is usually the best medicine

Today's run (treadmill): 30 minutes

Without fail, I always experience some health related issue during the week between Christmas and New Year's. With the exception of the accounting team who are called upon to close out the the year, my company pretty much shuts down during the final week. I usually take this week off and, in the past, have suffered the flu, pneumonia or colds during this time. This week it's a mild head cold and I hope it stays that way.

The fourth quarter of the year is usually the most stressful, and I'm sure that's why I get sick when things come to a halt. I started taking flu shots a couple of years ago and that's probably paid off more than I know. Since my current cold is limited to stuffiness, sneezing and an occasional cough, I've chosen to ignore the symptoms and keep my running schedule. I've already covered 14 miles this week and the weekend is still to come.

We needed to get out fairly early this morning, so I returned to the treadmill to save a little time. I'll admit that when News 12 stated that it felt like 20° outside with wind-chill, I decided to "protect my health" and run indoors. I didn't push too hard at the beginning, but I steadily increased my speed and finished running with my heart rate at the low end of zone 4.

I still haven't got out of my own neighborhood to run this week, like I usually do when I'm on vacation. Maybe I'll do a trail run this weekend and I'll look forward to the LIRRC 5-Mile Hangover fun run on Tuesday at Eisenhower Park.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Harsh weather, a tough run and a happier mind

Lots of protection from 5 little ounces
Today's run (street): 3.4 miles

Last night's wind and rain carried over into morning and the world looked dark and dreary when I got up. I hadn't thought much about running except for the hope that the weather would clear. I really wanted to avoid another indoor workout if I could. The gray skies and slick roads did little to motivate me so I waited a few hours before deciding to head out.

The cold had prompted me to put on a couple of top layers, but I didn't realize how nasty it was until I finally stepped outside. Conditions were chilly, wet and windy and I immediately returned to the house to grab my running windbreaker. I'd bought this ASICS Serpent jacket at a race Expo four years ago and have always found it effective against rain and wind. My only issue with it has been its tendency to trap heat. Today that worked to my advantage.

I've been fighting the beginning of a cold and set out at an easy pace, running into headwinds and a spray of light rain. My gear selection: three top layers, City Sport winter weight running pants, gloves and an over-the-ears wicking hat, kept me surprisingly comfortable over the first mile. As I moved through the streets, the wind began to pick up and the rain got heavier. I laughed at the unpleasant conditions but chose to keep going. I hoped that things would improve, but they never did.

The winds were challenging and, at times, it felt like they undercut my speed by half. After three miles the conditions had become exhausting and the rain made it increasingly difficult to see through my glasses. I hurried home through the final set of roads, pushing as hard as I could just to get to the end.

Despite the harsh conditions I was very glad that I did this run. I wasn't in the best mood in the morning and had considered taking a rest day. My wife wisely (and strongly) suggested that I get out, saying that a run would change my perspective. Once again, she was right. Tough runs often lead to a far better outlook.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Run delayed by vapor lock

30 amps of LIPA-less power
Today's run (treadmill): 35 minutes

Hurricane Irene knocked out our power for six days last year and Sandy had us down for eleven. We figured enough was enough so we ordered a Generac 5500 watt generator to be delivered to our home. Weeks later, we saw that the unit hadn't even shipped. We decided to buy an alternative unit at Home Depot (a 5700 watt RIDGID) and picked it up this morning.

We felt it would be best to get the generator early in the day, so we headed over to the store before 8:00 AM. I planned for a quick setup and start-up before going out for my run. I thought, naively, that I'd be on the road by 9:30. The setup went fine, but I couldn't manage to keep the engine running for more than 30 seconds before it stalled out.

I tried every suggestion in the manual and called the 800 numbers for RIDGID, Yamaha (maker of the generator's motor) and Home Depot. The others were not especially helpful, but Home Depot said to bring it to them and they'd get to the bottom of it. They quickly diagnosed the problem (vapor lock in the fuel line) and had the unit running smoothly in minutes.

Playing around with the generator took over seven hours, from initial pickup to a final (successful) test at home. I am definitely not a late-day runner and the weather was getting worse by the minute. I considered skipping my workout, but decided that the day's frustrations needed an outlet. I turned to the treadmill and ran for 35 minutes. I'm pleased to have completed my workout, but I'm especially happy to finally break our full dependency on LIPA.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Change of pace on an Xmas morning run

Shoe of the day
Today's run (street): 4.7 miles

Today is Christmas day and the neighborhood was quiet in the morning. We had sleet and snow overnight and the streets were shiny from the rain. I'd originally planned to go to Stillwell Woods but I didn't feel like dealing with wet rocks and muddy trails. I figured that most people would be hanging out at home and I'd have the streets mostly to myself.

It had been a couple of days since I last ran and I hoped that the break would be energizing. Just to mix it up, I selected my Spira Stinger XLT's that I've neglected for months. I dressed for the 37° weather, stepped outside and observed that the clouds had given way to sun. While my Garmin searched for a signal, I saw a familiar runner passing on the street to my left. I wanted to follow him, but the GPS was being a little too poky. A minute later I was ready to go.

The Spiras were a nice change from the Kinvaras. I love the fit and comfort of the Sauconys, but the Spiras, almost as comfortable, return a little more energy. The one criticism I have of the Stingers is that the "Wavesprings" are noticeable underfoot. I recall feeling them during the half marathon training runs that I was doing earlier in the year. These shoes are great for shorter runs, but I wouldn't want to cover more than ten miles in them.

Like last Saturday, I was able to sustain a good level of energy throughout today's run. I only intended to run 4 miles but I got caught up in the experience and extended my route. I don't know how much credit I should give to the Spiras, but I covered my distance a minute faster than I thought I would. As much as I downplay performance, it's always fun to beat expectations.

I hope to get to Stillwell or another park at some point this week. Today the streets of my neighborhood were just what I needed to get back to into my running routine. Happy holidays to all.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Thinking about tomorrow's run

I've been tied up since Sunday morning and that has kept me from running since Saturday. Many people will be celebrating Christmas tomorrow, but I'm thinking about finally getting back to the road (or trails). Depending on how I feel in the morning, I'll either run the neighborhood or head over to Stillwell Woods. The weather is supposed to be cold and sunny and I'm looking forward to a quiet and peaceful run.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Defining a long run

Goodbye Boston, hello vacation 
Today's run (street): 5.6 miles

For all intents and purposes, my business year has ended. I finished things up with a trip to Massachusetts on Thursday and Friday and I'm now - officially - on vacation. It was a necessary excursion, but the travel logistics and schedule were tough. Shortly after leaving South Station, I took this shot of the gloomy conditions that I was leaving behind.

I wasn't able to run during the time I was away, so I looked forward to getting outside this morning. We have plans that will prevent my running on Sunday and Monday. I wanted to get in at least five miles before taking my next break. The other night I was asked whether I considered five miles to be a long run. I wasn't sure how to answer that, but I finally decided that five miles represents the dividing line between short and not-short.

I went to bed early and took the opportunity to sleep a full eight hours. My wife and kids had early morning activities so, after they left, I got ready to run. The temperature was in the low 30's when I stepped outside. Although I wore layers to stay comfortable, the five minutes it took to acquire a GPS signal forced me back into the garage to stay warm. I hoped that the first few minutes of my run would help me generate some body heat.

Prior to leaving I'd mixed a packet of chia seeds with an ounce of watered down coffee. I think that chia can make a difference. Chia seeds may not enhance performance, but they do seem to provide some sustainable energy. It could also be that, after taking two days off, my body was rested and ready for a run.

I covered the neighborhood as much as I could without duplicating too many streets. I kept waiting to feel fatigued throughout the run, but I felt almost as strong at mile five as I did at the start. My route took me to the northern part of my neighborhood so I extended the loop and finished with a little extra distance. I ran the last half mile briskly and that helped put my overall pace within normal range.

I felt great on today's run and I regret that I won't be back on the road until Tuesday. Still, I'll have some vacation days that will provide me the opportunity to run longer distances, leading up to the Hangover Run on January 1st. 5.6 miles may not be a long run, but it's the longest run I'll be doing for a while.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hitting the running reset button

Today's run (treadmill): 25 minutes

Today is my last day in the office until after New Year's. I have a short business trip on Thursday and Friday and then I'll be on vacation through January 1st. Due to travel and weekend plans, I'm looking at another low mileage week. That's okay, because I plan to get out as much as I can next week.

I've gotten into the habit of running on the treadmill in the morning, rather than hitting the streets with a headlamp and reflective vest at 4:00 AM. I'm finding it easier to manage my time that way and it's making me really appreciate my outdoor weekend runs. I probably won't get a chance to run again until this Saturday and then I'll need to take another break until next Tuesday. I'm not pleased to be taking so much time away from running, but I'm looking at it as an end of the year reset.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The schadenfreude of running haters

Today's run (treadmill): 26 minutes

I've been a fan of the NY Times Well blog for years, especially the articles written by Gina Kolata (I wonder how many times people have teased her about her name). The Well covers the subjects of health and science and it often focuses on the subject of running.

Yesterday's column was entitled, "Recipe for Resentment: Claims of Running Prowess" and it was about the fact that non-runners often view runners in a negative way. Quoting Dr. Paul Thompson, a cardiologist and exercise researcher at Hartford Hospital, “people love to find studies that support the bias that too much exercise is bad.” In the story, the writer says, "Running appears so easy — anyone can run, it seems. Anyone can finish a marathon, even Oprah Winfrey did it. So those who do not run can feel a little defensive."

Many years ago I practiced a form of Okinawan karate called Uechi-Ryu and reached the rank of black belt. I found that some people (males in my age group, mostly) liked to disparage both my abilities and the usefulness of my skills. One co-worker used to pretend to shoot me with his finger as if it were an imaginary gun. It was his way of suggesting that karate is an ineffective form of self defense. I finally asked him if he'd like to see what I could do to him with my finger. That ended  that, but I always felt bad when those conversations happened.

I'll concede that I can talk at length about running technique, experiences and performance. It's energizing to relate with others who feel the same way. But for those who don't know the difference between a foot pod and a fartlek, running talk can sound pretty boring. I'm fortunate that most of the people in my life support my running and the worst anyone ever says about it is that running hurts their knees. I've learned enough to keep my mouth shut rather than lecture them on how mid-foot running will solve that problem for them.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hoping seasonal happiness is just a trail run away

We are only weeks away from New Year's Eve, but I'm not feeling the holiday season like I have in prior years.With last Friday's unconscionable violence in Connecticut, and worries about an impending "fiscal cliff" that could drive us back into recession, it doesn't seem like the best of times. On the bright side, I'll get to spend some good vacation time with my family next week. I'm also looking forward to running the LIRRC Hangover Run on January 1st.

That's the thing about running. No matter what's troubling you, you can always look forward to your next event. Over the past few years, I've found that an upcoming race can help offset negative thoughts and motivate me to train harder. Thinking about running on the trails at Stillwell or Bethpage has helped me through more than one difficult work day. Unfortunately my schedule will prevent me from doing any off-road running until later next week. But when I do, I hoping to finally recapture that elusive holiday feeling.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Chia powered run pays off

Don't know if it helped, but it didn't hurt
Today's run (street): 5.1 miles

I went into the weekend thinking I'd do at least one run away from home. Unfortunately,  I never managed to travel beyond my neighborhood. At least today I was able get out of the house. Yesterday's five miles on the treadmill was a better experience than I'd hoped for, but I just couldn't face the treadmill again today.

The weather reports keep describing today's conditions as gloomy, with low dark clouds and occasional drizzle. I suppose if I were attending a lawn party I'd wish for brighter skies, but as a runner, I was pretty pleased when I stepped outside. I detected a few drops when I started, but it never actually rained. I wanted to cover five miles or fifty minutes, whichever came first.

While I was getting changed for my run, I noticed that my Garmin FR210 was out of charge. I grabbed the FR60 to use as a stopwatch, since the foot pad hasn't had batteries since I switched to the GPS-enabled 210 in May of last year. I generally average 9:30 miles on these weekend runs so I used time as an indicator of distance.

Prior to starting, I consumed a small packet of chia seeds that FS gave me from her NYC Marathon package. My experimentation with chia has been inconclusive, but I figured, "what the heck." I mixed the seeds with a small amount of water that went down much better than the Chia Surge gel I'd tried months before. I think it actually provided some useful energy.

My run went well. There was some wind that made the 46° weather seem much colder, but I wore two layers on top that provided adequate warmth. I didn't know how much distance I'd covered, but I had a good idea based on the time I'd run.

It seems like my encounters with bad drivers always seem to happen during the final minutes of my run and today was no different. As I was making my way to the last long street I saw an SUV coming from the other direction. I guessed correctly that the driver would turn right in front of me (no signal of course) so I paused while waving my hands to get her to see me. I yelled, "You're supposed to stop for pedestrians!" as she passed by. Maybe I need to invest in an air horn.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Running against tragedy

I'll keep this one under wraps
Today's run (treadmill): 5.1 miles

Yesterday's senseless shooting in Connecticut upset me deeply. How can kids ever feel safe at school with the knowledge that sick people, with ready access to guns, can so easily hurt them? Coincidentally, our own town was conducting an emergency dismissal drill at the time of shootings. Let's hope that if anything good comes out of this, it will be a call to action to address the NRA's paranoid and obstructive agenda. Easy access to guns have made these scenarios all too common.

I'll admit that I know very little about the details of yesterday's event. I'm usually on top of the news, but I've avoided watching or reading anything about this tragedy. I haven't even been able to bring myself to take the newspaper out of its wrap. I think I know everything I need to know.

Due to our schedule today, I was kept at home in the morning and couldn't go outside for run. Later today we have a party, so my options were limited. I look forward to weekends, because they usually give me the freedom to run outside for as long as I wish. Since I was place-constrained but not time constrained, I decided to do a longer run on the treadmill.

I'd normally put the news on the TV and watch it as I ran, but that wasn't going to happen today. Instead, I put on one of the music channels at the upper range of the cable spectrum and pumped up the volume. I set the incline at 1% to keep it interesting, and increased my speed periodically in order to get my heart rate to the targeted zone. I had plenty of energy for the run, but I felt very tired when I finished. The good thing about a hard workout is that it lifts your spirits when you're done. I really needed that today.

Friday, December 14, 2012

No Ho Ho Holiday run

Today's run (treadmill): 25 minutes

I'm not exactly sure why I've veered away from racing for the time being, but I've decided against running in tomorrow's Ho Ho Ho Holiday 5K in Bethpage. Good thing I didn't prepay that $20, huh? I know if I did choose to participate, I would enjoy the race a lot. Racing provides many layers of experience: the chill of the morning air, the throngs of runners gathered for the start, the exciting first steps of the race and the combination of relief and exhilaration you feel after (finally) crossing the finish line.

Of course the time spent between the start and finish of any race is the reason why you are there. My experience during that time has ranged between sheer joy and sheer will. I've had at least two experiences when running 5K's, when I actually wished the race was longer because I was enjoying the experience so much. On the other hand, my first time running a half marathon (plagued by injury) and my second time running Cow Harbor (with oppressive heat and humidity) could be best described as voluntary torture.

Another event that happens tomorrow is the NYRR Ted Corbitt Classic 15K that's run in Central Park. Friends FS, CG and KWL will be running this 9.3 mile race that's almost two times around a loop that goes between 61st to 104th Streets. The course this year avoids the Harlem Hills, but that doesn't mean runners will have an easy time. There's still Cat Hill and they have to climb that twice. I'm rooting for my colleagues and hope they have a blast.

I still need to decide where I'll run tomorrow. I may try to get onto the Bethpage bike path from one of the connecting roads if the park entrance is still closed. I know I'll be missing the excitement of tomorrow's race and the feeling of accomplishment that comes at the end of a competitive run. On the other hand, choosing my own venue allows me to set my own pace and distance and I can sleep in a little later in the morning. Right now, that seems to be the better choice.

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