Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Want to take it easy? Run a little faster.

Today's run (treadmill): 25 minutes

If not for the 50 MPH winds this morning, I would have been happy to get outside for my run. It was 49 degrees (and dropping) at 4:00 AM and I was already on the treadmill. After Sunday's full hour run on this machine, I had no problem returning for another round. I got up to speed quickly and followed my normal practice of increasing speed throughout the run, so that I would finish my run about an 8:30 pace.

A week ago Saturday I went out for a run with the intention of running slowly as a way to facilitate recovery. I feared that I'd finish feeling like the easy effort had made no impact. In reality, I had the opposite experience. Running slowly turned out to be harder than running fast.

I've applied that lesson in every run I've done since then. Perhaps the momentum of an efficient stride helps me move along better. The energy created by faster leg turnover certainly seems to fuel my effort. Of course once I'm running at threshold speed it becomes a whole lot harder. But right now, as counter-intuitive as it seems, working a little harder is making for easier running.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A look ahead in 2012

It was great to wake up and realize I had a scheduled rest day this morning. Coming off a three day weekend, it's always nice to ease into the work week by sipping coffee and watching the news. Somehow, going from a deep sleep into the cold wet weather to run lacked appeal today.

I'm thinking about my running goals for 2012 but I haven't yet set them in stone. I would like to do more running outside of Long Island than I did last year. As a subset to that, I would like to explore more off-road venues. I'm hoping to participate in as many races as I did in 2011 and to improve my half marathon time by at least ten minutes. I did five personal bests in my ten 2011 races, so it will be hard to repeat that this year. But I promise to try.

I'll be listing my full set of goals soon. The most important, as always, is to finish the year as excited about running as when I started it.

Monday, January 16, 2012

60 minutes going nowhere

Almost there!
Today's run (treadmill): 40 minutes@ 2% incline, 10 mins@ 1%, 10 mins level

It was another 18 degree morning and I just didn't feel like running outside. I normally rest on Mondays, but with the holiday I couldn't resist a workout with no time constraint. I hopped aboard the treadmill as soon as my wife had finished her daily run. My goal was to run an hour because I've been remiss about pushing my base training. I really needed to focus on that.

When I start my runs outside, I usually get to speed within the first ten seconds. No metaphoric dipping my toe in the pool to get used to the water. But the treadmill is different, probably because I find it odd to have so much motion contained within such a small area. A misstep would be bad. I'll admit that I'm a little afraid of the machine, especially when going full speed.

I started at a moderate pace but set the incline to 2%. I maintained that combination for the first 10 minutes at which point I began my steady increase of speed in .1 MPH increments. By the 20 minute mark I was sweating and at 40 minutes I took the incline down to 1%. It's amazing what a difference that made, but I traded off by increasing the speed a little more.

At 50 minutes I dropped the incline entirely and blipped up the speed every minute so that I was running about an 8 minute pace by the end. I wore my Thrive running shirt that is made with cotton and bamboo and it was completely soaked by the time I finished. I was glad to get through a longer run today and pleased that I still had plenty left in the tank when I finished.

I'm concerned that my original Hattori's are beginning to wear out and the left shoe of my replacement pair doesn't fit very well. After much research, I'm hoping to replace the Hattori's with either the Kinvara 3 or the New Balance MR00 when they hit the stores in March. Since I haven't tried either model I'm concerned that I might be disappointed (like when I finally tried the Brooks Pure Project models). If that's the case, I'll need to start my search once again.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Running performance: was it fear or cold?

Today's run (street): 3.2 miles

Like we used to say when I was growing up in Boston, this morning was "wicked cold." It wasn't obvious that the temperature had dropped into the teens when I got up, because our thermostats do a good job of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the house. I was surprised to see the local TV station reporting 18° in Woodbury. Worse, with wind chill, the effective temperature was 2° F.

I think my reaction to freezing cold differs from most people. I was elated by the opportunity to bundle up and go out for a run. The trick is to maintain the right balance of layers so that you don't start out comfortable and end up hot and miserable. Due to time pressure, I knew I wouldn't going too far on my run, so that gave me more latitude for overdressing. Had I gone 6 miles instead of 3 today, I probably would have overheated by the end.

I felt cozy and warm when I hit the street and I moved along well from the start. I wore a balaclava to protect my face from the wind and that helped keep my head warm. Unfortunately, the ventilation panel in the front restricted my breathing and I had to pull it down below my chin. That was fine until I changed direction toward the west and the wind hit me full on.

As bad as it was, I pressed on and changed direction as soon as I could. I was pushing myself but I didn't think I was going very fast, at least compared to other runs this past week. I was racing the clock because my wife made it clear that she needed me back by a certain time. I was reasonably confident that I would keep on schedule but I grew nervous as time went on.

I managed to complete my run with seven minutes to spare and a look at my Garmin showed that I averaged close to 9 minutes a mile. Considering that I expected today's run to be on the slower side I was pleased with this result. The freezing weather probably contributed to my surprising pace by making me run faster to stay warm. Then again, it could have been the fear of being late that ultimately pushed my pace.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tempo for the Snowflake

Today's run (street): 4.4 miles

It's the start of a three day weekend and I kicked it off with a neighborhood run this morning. The temperatures have been all over the place and this morning it was cold. I wore one of my "private brand" half zips (in this case, Layer 8) that do a great job of keeping me warm while managing sweat. Combined with my CS track pants, I was very comfortable throughout my run.

I planned a tempo run with a target pace about 30 seconds slower than (4 mile) race pace. I moved along well but fell ten seconds short of my pace goal. Overall, I was pleased with my fitness, but I guess I didn't push hard enough. Four miles isn't quite enough distance to move my base training forward but at least I'm running with more energy compared to the last two weeks.

The end of the line at last year's Snowflake Run
The long weekend provides an extra opportunity for a distance run. I'd like to get at least one 6+ mile run in before Tuesday or, equivalently, an hour on the trails. I'm registered for the Snowflake 4 mile Run in February so in the short term I will also focus on speed. I probably should do intervals more often anyway. Now I have no excuses.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A superstitious run

Today's run (street): 2.5 miles

Ha! You don't scare me
Happy Friday the 13th! It's easy to laugh at superstitions but we all have them. Personally, I'm fine with it being the 13th because I've had some nice things happen on this date.

That said, I thought my luck had run out a few minutes into this morning's run. Although the news station said the temperatures were in the high 40's it felt chilly when I stepped outside. I could even see vapor when I breathed. That didn't matter because I was dressed for cold. I set out feeling energized and stepped up the pace when I realized I could sustain a harder effort. About a half mile in, I felt some drops of rain that soon became a steady downpour. I strongly considered heading back home to finish on the treadmill.

The winds were also strong and the combination of wind, cold and rain was unpleasant. I decided to press on as long as I could see (with glasses, that can be an issue) and continued to run fairly hard. I was disappointed that the weather might interrupt what was turning out to be a strong run, but after a mile the rain reverted to a drizzle.

I was surprised by how fast I could run without feeling the lactic acid burn that I always associate with a harder effort. Some days, for no reason, a run turns out to be a slog and you do what you must to get through it. Maybe it was the luck of Friday the 13th that helped me today, but I finished as strong as I started, with my fastest overall pace in memory. So much for superstition.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

1,100 ways to say "I ran"

Today's workout: (elliptical): 25 minutes

It would have been cool if today was 11/11/11 instead of 11/12/12, because this is the 1,100th post on the Emerging Runner. It's amazing to think that since November 18, 2008, I've published approximately 275,000 words about one thing: running. But with 726 keywords in my tag cloud, there's been a lot more to talk about than that.

Rain, rain, go away
The rain this morning was only surpassed by the wind and I stayed indoors for my workout. I originally planned a treadmill run but decided to maintain my schedule that includes an elliptical session on Thursdays. I'm hoping that the rain moves out by tomorrow morning so I can get outside for my morning run. It doesn't look too promising. I snapped a photo out my office window at 7:15 AM and it looks like a monsoon at midnight.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I rest my case

Today's run (street): 2.5 miles

Two day's of rest seemed to do the trick, and I had a decent run in the neighborhood this morning. Most of last week's runs were challenging and I'd hoped an extra day would help reset my system. Over the weekend I had some concern with a possible left knee injury, but my recovery plan seemed to work. The pain was gone this morning.

It was harder than I expected to get up and out this morning. Rest days can be seductive and it's always tempting to give in and take one more. I'm pleased to say that I rarely do that. When I do, it's because my body has told me to skip a workout. Today my body was imploring me to rest, but it was a half-hearted argument. Before I knew it, I was standing on my driveway waiting for my FR210 to acquire a signal.

The run itself was good, but not great. While my legs didn't feel weighed down like they did last week, my stride felt mechanical over the first mile. I began pushing the pace at that point and things improved a lot. Although I ended up with a middling overall pace, the second half of my distance was run about a minute per mile faster than the first. I'm beginning to see evidence that incremental effort can yield measurable results. But to achieve that, you need to take the proper rest.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A couple of products I wish I could buy

Today's run (street): 3.5 miles

After yesterday's difficult run that capped a week of tough workouts, I decided to give myself a couple of days rest in the upcoming week. Since today is Sunday, I couldn't resist the chance to go out for a run without the time constraints that I face on workday mornings. You'd think that I'd take it easy today and ease into my upcoming rest period, but that's not the way it went.

I've had some tweaking around my left knee and I felt some soreness when I got up today. I noticed that the pain came from lateral, not straight-ahead, movements. That meant I could run, so I put on my running gear and headed outside.

I thought about my current stamina issues and popped a couple of Sports Beans before I left. I'm not sure if they helped, but I did feel more energy at the start than I did before yesterday's run. It made me think about two products I'd like to see: a time released carb/electrolyte supplement and an electrolyte drink that is neutral-tasting like water.

Right product, wrong geography
I used to buy electrolyte-enhanced water at Whole Foods after runs in the city, but it only solved part of the problem. I looked online and found a product called CNP Pro-Energy bars that supposedly release energy over time. The website is from the UK and I don't know if the bars are available in the US. I think both of these ideas would find a market here.

Today's run went very well. I didn't plan to cover a long distance, so I ran harder than I did Saturday. My speed improved 2 minutes per mile over yesterday's pace. That was good enough for me, and when I finished I was breathing hard but happy to take a break over the next couple of days.

I need to get in at least one 6+ mile run next weekend as I continue to build my base for May's half marathon. In the meantime, I'm hoping to recover my fitness with a little R&R.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Today I ran like a Kenyan

As if...
Today's run (street): 5.4

Don't be impressed by the headline of this post, I wasn't channeling Geoffrey Mutai winning the ING NYC marathon this morning. Quite the opposite, actually. While Kenyan runners regularly hit five minute miles in competition, they tend to do their long recovery runs at an extremely slow pace. That was my plan today and I kept to it.

The training schedule that I've followed over the last few years has been to run five days a week, with additional cross training on a 6th day. I rest on Mondays unless I'm not feeling well or if I'm tapering for a race.

With a schedule like that, I shouldn't have issues with running strength or stamina but I sometimes hit the wall around 30 minutes into a run. Since my policy has always been, "Once I start, no stopping" I run through these low points and will occasionally rebound strongly. People have said that even though my frequency is high, my base is fairly low. This is true. My weekday running distances average 2.5 miles due to time limitations. On weekends I'll go longer, but the shorter runs play havoc on my base.

My monthly mileage numbers this past November and December were down about 10% from the prior year. I know it's because I wasn't consistently doing 7+ mile distances as I had in 2010. I've decided to work on my base with 5 miles being my lower limit for weekend runs. Last Sunday I ran the 5 mile Hangover Run and this morning I did a 5.4 mile neighborhood run.

Five miles isn't particularly long but I needed to motivate myself to get out today after suffering three tough runs since Sunday. I figured that running slowly would make it easier -- and it was --  until I hit 4 miles and started to suffer fatigue. I didn't fully understand why, since I'd run over a minute/mile faster last Sunday. Unfortunately, running like a Kenyan didn't yield the results that I'd hoped to attain.

A week of tough running has convinced me that I need to give myself a two-day break to restore my fitness to normal levels. Since I can't resist running on weekends, I'll target Monday (my usual rest day) and Tuesday as recovery days. I'll see if that does any good when I get back to it on Wednesday.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Workouts, PE and relax-outs

Today's run (street): 2.5 miles
Yesterday's workout (elliptical): 25 minutes

My wife and I were comparing notes on our workouts this morning. We'd both had hard runs and I said that's the reason why it's called a workout and not a relax-out. She and I have very different training methods and I would be challenged to follow her routine. In turn, she would probably say the same of mine. But each day we congratulate each other (and ourselves) for getting it done. It's great reinforcement and it motivates us to continue.

Without a running watch I would have guessed that I ran today's route a minute per mile faster than I actually did. My perceived effort was high but I clearly fell short on performance. No matter, I recently read an article that said that perceived effort (PE) is a better gauge of how you should be running than holding rigidly to a targeted pace.

Every workout that I've done since returning to work has generated a high PE but performance on the low end of the scale. It could have to do with my adjustment back to 4:00 AM running because I feel very good overall. Maybe a long slow base run this weekend can get me back on track. Perhaps a relax-out is just what's needed.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Faint praise for the treadmill

Today's run (treadmill): 25 minutes

I'm going to blame the transition from vacation to work for my sluggish performance this morning.  Even though I'm an early riser while on vacation, there's a big difference between waking up at 6:00 AM versus 3:45 AM. It probably didn't help that I set a 2% incline for the first 2/3rds of today's workout.

A year ago I probably would have braved the weather and gone outside, despite this morning's 11° temperature. My dislike of the treadmill experience used to outweigh the discomfort of freezing conditions, but I've finally accepted the treadmill for what it is. I even appreciate how I can change conditions like speed and elevation with a single touch. I'll reluctantly admit that, on an extremely cold morning, the treadmill can be the better choice.

Still, I far prefer the trails or the road, and I can't wait to get outdoors this weekend. I may have been better off resting today, but since I started the run I felt I needed to finish it. Around the 15 minute mark I realized I wasn't at full strength. I decided to drop the incline rather than hurt myself further. I did step up the speed a little when I did that, but not by much. Tomorrow, I will do an elliptical workout and (hopefully) on Friday the temperatures will be back in the 30's and I'll take to the streets once again.

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