Friday, March 11, 2011

The treadmill is part of the plan

Rain has recently replaced snow as a persistent inhibitor to my outdoor running. I wear glasses and they don't mix well with rainy weather as both fog and rain impair my vision when I run. The effect can be disorienting and sometimes downright scary. So with last night's storm extending into the morning, I knew that the treadmill would be my only choice.

Every run I do these days connects to my need to be ready for my half marathon. In between now and then I'll run a 5K but my raison de courir, as my aunt would put it, is to do well at the RXR LI Half. My biggest issue with the treadmill experience is that it's the opposite of peaceful. When I'm on the road or the trail I tune into my surroundings and my favorite runs are those where the sound of my footsteps is the loudest thing I hear. I further appreciate that I own the run and choose where and how I'll run. Our treadmill is quieter than its predecessor but it's still an aggressive machine that forces me to conform to its limitations.

My current approach to treadmill running is to begin more slowly than when I run on the street. Rather than begin with a frenzied pace, I work my way up by starting at around a 9:50 pace and finishing closer to 8:50. That seems to work and I am getting to fold in some speed into the run. I think the two keys to a successful race on May 1st are: 1) Continuing to build my base closer to 9 or 10 miles, and 2) Working on strengthening my core, especially the glutes and hamstrings that will help me maintain my speed. Hard work to be sure, but at least I have a plan.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hoping to revisit a mystery

Mysteries of the Muttontown Preserve
Today's workout (elliptical) 25 minutes

After resting on Wednesday I was eager to get back to my routine. Predictions of rain in the morning prompted me to prepare for an elliptical session last night. Indoor activities are occasionally welcomed because they involve less gear and give me more time to work out. Today's elliptical workout was pretty straightforward. I always aim to do 25 minutes and the end result is typically the same: I'm happy that I worked out but not entirely satisfied that I worked as hard as I would on a run. But in the end I'm usually soaked with sweat and the muscles that most need help - hamstrings and glutes - are humming.

We're going to get soaked today and the rain should carry over to mid-day tomorrow so I'll likely find myself on the treadmill Friday morning. That's fine. I want to do at least one good base building run over the weekend and I'm also thinking how fun it might be to return to the Muttontown Preserve in milder weather. Knowing some of the mysteries of the Mystery Trail, I could be in for another great adventure. But hopefully this time I won't need to scale any fences.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Shut up and listen (to your body)

For all the guilt that I count on to get me out to run, there are days when I feel I should rest. Listening to your body is not always that easy. Sometimes a hard run is exactly what's needed to knock out a morning headache or to pull you out of a low energy state. That doesn't mean that a workout is a cure-all for all ills. Sometimes a run is exactly the wrong thing to do.

I'm not sure why this morning's decision to rest was so easy. I wasn't feeling especially bad, just a little off from normal. I'm looking ahead to some longer runs this weekend and thought about how rest is also an essential part of training. I let my body do some repair work today and I'm glad that I did. Some days it really pays to listen.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Training for the half marathon with strategy in mind

Today's run (street): 2.55 miles

Training was on my mind this morning when I went outside for my run. My plan was to do a tempo run and focus on sustaining a faster pace than I've averaged over the last couple of weeks. It's been warm the last few days (if you call 40 degrees warm) but this morning it was a frosty 27. I started my run at a moderate pace and brought up my speed after the first mile. I ran my remaining distance around 30 seconds slower than my 5K pace and I finished running at about a 9:15 pace.

Many half marathon plans I've seen mix together a combination of short runs, intervals and long runs in addition to cross training. I know myself well enough that I'm not going to do intervals on a regular basis but I will consciously work to include farleks and tempos. By running on the treadmill I adopted a habit of starting slowly and working my way up to faster paces and I've been doing that on my street runs although faster is a relative term.

I think it really comes down to building up my base to the point that I can draw upon any competitive tools I have later on in the race. That strategy seemed to work last fall when I successfully attained two consecutive 10K PRs. My running buddy Dave suggested that I focus on base during one of our runs and he was right. I think I'll see if he has any other ideas to help my training.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ready for Marcie again

A good weekend of running was capped off by an evening of fierce winds and rain that knocked out power to our house. The bleeping sounds from our house alarm and UPS power unit got me up and interrupted my very much needed sleep. I woke up tired but happy to remember that Mondays are rest days. After covering 12 miles over the weekend I am feeling optimistic about my training for the big race. Before the half marathon I'm planning to run (for the third time) the Marcie Mazzola Foundation race in April. This used to be a 4 mile race but last year it was switched to a 5K to make it more appealing to participants.

The Marcie Mazzola 4 miler was my first race since I'd restarted my running in 2008. I ran it in 2009 and learned much of my competitive strategy that day. Most races have their iconic characteristic and, for this race, it's the hill on Woodhull Rd. that goes on for almost half a mile near the beginning of the race. This hill is not as steep as Cow Harbor's James St. but attacking it too hard can have a negative effect on your stamina. Like last year, I'll take it easy and spend my energy later.

I'm looking forward to next weekend's long runs, unencumbered by snow and ice. But, with the weather this year, I don't know if I can fully count on that.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Run before the rain

Today's run (street): 4.15 miles 

Today's weather is supposed to include soaking rains starting some time this morning. I thought that after yesterday's 8 mile training run that I might stay inside, especially if it was going to pour. I've been thinking about my conditioning gaps and what work I should be doing to prepare for the half marathon. An article I just read in the March Runner's World focused on the glutes and how they affect running performance. I've often thought that this is a weak spot for me and I'm constantly planning to do the core exercises that will build up my gluteus muscles. I figured that today was as a good a day as any so that was my plan.

When I got up I saw that the rains hadn't started so I changed my mind and went out around 6:30 AM for a neighborhood run. The Sunday morning streets were quiet and the skies were getting cloudy but I managed to get through my miles before the rain started to fall. While there wasn't any precipitation, the winds were stiff and it felt like 75% of the time I was was running against them. I started off feeling energized, somewhat surprising after covering so many base-building miles yesterday at Bethpage.

After a while the wind resistance and my actual energy level caught up and it started to feel like a tough run. I'd planned to run 3-4 miles today and I ended up keeping to that distance. My pace was decidedly slow - about 9:50 - but between the wind resistance and some built up fatigue it made sense. I'm thinking of doing some core exercises later to work on those glutes.

Finally, my friend FS was planning to run the Coogan's Salsa, Blues, and Shamrocks 5K / Kids' Races this morning. I hope that was a good experience and not too wet. The course is run around Ft. Tryon Park and the Cloisters, an especially scenic area. Happy Sunday. I'm glad I missed the rain.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

LSD at Bethpage, the legal kind

Today's run (Bethpage State Park): 8.25 miles

I wanted to go for an LSD run this morning so I headed over to Bethpage State Park. I'd assumed with the warmer temperatures that the park had finally opened its bike trail. As soon as I reached the golf course saw a runner on the path beyond the (formally) gated entrance. I knew then that I'd be able to get in and run. No one was manning the toll house when I drove up, usually a good thing because it means no park fee, but I'd planned to buy an Empire Passport today. Oh well, free admission at least.

I'd worn shorts for the first time since October, along with a half zip and my lightweight running rain jacket as a top layer. It was 47 degrees with threatening skies so I decided to wear the jacket even though it can get hot. I figured that my plan to run long, but slowly, would prevent me from becoming overheated. I started up the steep hill where the bike trail begins and looked at the Garmin to make sure that I was running no faster than my planned pace. I've only averaged 3.75 miles per run since December, primarily due to all the snow we've had. I need to build back my base in preparation for my half marathon in May.

Runners outnumbered cyclists on the path although I saw plenty of both as I made my way along the trail. Running slowly was a treat, the hills didn't matter much and I was able to think about many things instead of focusing on my turnover and speed. I was passed by a few runners and I wanted to shout to them "I'm not really this slow, I'm doing LSD!" Actually that would not be a good thing to yell. Still, I began to feel the workout at around mile 5 of my planned eight.

I gave in to my natural pace and ran the last two miles under 10:00 per mile and completed 8.3 miles averaging 10:10. It was great to run a longer distance after being constrained to the streets of my neighborhood for months. I'm not sure if I'll do a run of 13 or more miles before the RXR Half Marathon but today's 8 was a good start.

Friday, March 4, 2011

The Half decision

Today's run (street) 2.65 miles

I was fully prepared to run today and had no trouble getting out the door this morning. I'm back to my weekday routine, energized and motivated. I knew it was cold outside (19 degrees) and wore three layers but the chilly air was still somewhat of a surprise. As I ran up the road that borders my neighborhood to the east it occurred to be that we're about two weeks away from the Vernal Equinox. It sure didn't feel like spring at that moment.

I was originally planning to run midday with JQ but his schedule didn't work so that's why I decided to go out this morning. I ran well, my stride felt efficient and my form was good. My pace seemed faster than my usual morning tempo but my Garmin said otherwise -- mid 9:00. That pace seems to work for me over longer distances and I thought today about the half marathon. I've decided that despite its un-scenic course I'm going to run the RXR LI Half Marathon on May 1st. In terms of logistics and the opportunity to run with people I know it makes the best sense. So no mountain climbs, river views, ocean side paths or greenery (although the course does wend past Eisenhower Park) but it's still 13.1 miles with a finish line.

Training has begun!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Indecision is a runner's prerogative

Hook Half race course
Today's workout (elliptical): 25 minutes

In the business world I need to be decisive. There is constant change in media technology and my colleagues and I work to adapt as quickly as the business requires. As a runner I don't need to be decisive. I can spend months considering a new running shoe before I buy it. When I'm out on the trails I usually decide my route as I go along. There's no penalty for choosing the wrong path since I'm likely to get lost no matter which trail I pick. My current case of runner's indecision centers on choosing my first half marathon. Which one to run? My poll is favoring the Brooklyn Half and that was my personal choice but registration has closed so I'm locked out.

There's the George Wodicka Hook Half Marathon in Congers, NY (Rockland County) that routes along the Hudson and is supposed to be a beautiful course. The race has two negatives though: it's a long drive to get to the race and part of the course goes up and down Hook mountain, highest spot in Rockland County. People I know who have run this race talk about the run up Hook the way I talk about Widow Hill on the Great Cow Harbor course. I shouldn't admit it but 13.1 miles plus a mountain climb scares me a little. The simplest choice is the RXR LI Half Marathon. It's close by, and I have some friends who are also planning to run it. Plus, the race date is May 2nd which would give me a few extra weeks to train.

I'm going to give it some more thought and then decide. Or maybe I'll just keep thinking about it.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Back to the streets and the headlamp

Today's run (street): 2.75 miles

Yesterday was another exhausting day and last night I was seriously concerned that I'd have the energy to run in the morning. I laid out the running gear I'd need for a cold outdoor run in the dark, including various clothing layers, reflective vest, gloves, hat, socks, headlamp and running shoes. I tried to imagine my state of mind for the morning when it came time to put it all on. When the time did come I wasn't any more ready to run, but I knew I had to do it. So I did.

It was my first 4:00 AM run on the street in 2011 and I reasoned that it would be better than the treadmill. I stepped out and watched the moonlit neighborhood unfold as the garage door rose on its rails. It was a familiar scene though it had been a while. Without hesitation, I hit start on the Garmin and headed up the road. The air was chilly and the winds seemed to be coming from multiple directions. I was cold but not uncomfortable and though I would have appreciated milder breezes I was fine with the conditions. It's been a long enough time that I'd forgotten the timing of my morning routes and I ended up going a few minutes longer than normal. I got back feeling refreshed and happy that I'd once again gone out at a time when most people were still in their last hours of sleep. Even though I've made my piece with the treadmill it was good to be back running, once again, on terra firma.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Another win for the inner debate team

Today's run (treadmill): 2.4 miles

Yesterday's transition back to work was harder than I'd expected. The day was long and I was busy. We'd had workmen in the house all day on Monday so when I got home I needed to set up the TV, sound system and other electronics that had been moved for the work. That took up the rest of my night and as I laid out my gear I was hoping I'd have the energy for a morning run.

I really really didn't feel like doing a workout when I got up and it was one of those times when I had to talk myself into running. I felt that if I didn't run today I'd be giving myself permission to rest every time I didn't feel like a 4:00 AM workout. Which is often the case. Once convinced, I started on the treadmill (I couldn't deal with all the outdoor running gear today) and followed my normal routine of starting at a moderate pace and stepping up my speed over time. By the end I was running at around an 8:40 pace.

Once again, I was glad that I listened to my inner coach instead of my inner couch potato. I'm thinking that I may return to the roads for tomorrow's run. It's been well over a month since I've done an outdoor run at 4:00 AM.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Catching a break

It's always hard coming back to work after a week away. The luxury of sleeping until 6:00 AM gave way to my 4:00 AM wake up time this morning. I finally gave myself a rest from running today and the timing was good because it's raining hard outside. Looking back on my week of daily workouts I'm pleased with everything I did, but I'm a little disappointed that I had no memorable runs. It would have been fun to go to some new place to run or to get together with a running buddy or two. Still, it was nice to go out each day without too much concern about meeting a schedule.

The weather should stay relatively warm throughout the week and hopefully by Saturday I'll be able to run at Bethpage again. I'm also thinking that it's been a while since I've tackled the Muttontown Preserve and I'd also like to do that. Today it's back to work and tomorrow it's back to running.

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