Friday, May 7, 2010

Test new running shoes? Yes, please

The new Saucony Kinvara

Today's run: Central Park (planned)

I was recently contacted by a PR person from Saucony about an opportunity to try their new Kinvara lightweight trainer. This shoe is more neutral than what I'd normally wear but I'm interested in its low profile with a heel-to-forefoot ratio of 18/14 mm. I haven't forgotten about mid foot running but my Brooks GTS-10's are so great I would be reluctant to give them up. Given their unique nature, and their low profile the Kinvaras may make a great addition to the Emerging Runner's collection of running shoes. Besides the Brooks GTS-10's I also have pairs of GTS-9's and ASICS GEL-1130's. On the trail side I have Helly Hansen Trail Lizards for the toughest technical terrain, Adidas Response 15's for multi-surfaced trail and street running and some NB 460's that fit and perform really well despite being a "value priced" shoe.

Left out of this collection are any lightweight trainers or racing shoes. I was very interested in the Brooks Green Silence when it was announced but when the time came I opted for the 10's to replace my 600+ mile 9's. I signed up for (and was accepted to) Brook's test program but I have not been contacted to try anything. Even if I do I won't be able to talk about the shoes or mention them on this blog, per the terms of the program. No problem there, the chance to try Brooks experimental shoes is worth the silence, green or otherwise. I'm happy to try any running shoes or gear that companies want to send to me to review. I'd even try Nikes but not those silly ones with the shock absorbers on the heel.

I'm planning another Central Park run today and I'm hoping to cover some new ground north of the reservoir. I keep hearing about the hills up there and I'll see how well my training has paid off.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Foregoing my run today

No workout today

I decided to forgo my usual Thursday workout this morning and take an additional day of rest this week. I'm looking to add more distance to my weekend runs and I've recently added a longer run on Fridays in the city. It's taken a while but I'm beginning to understand the value of rest as an enhancement to my training. On a recent run with my friend and running advisor, CK, we talked about the frequency of my runs. CK suggested that more rest would be beneficial for recovering from longer runs and the additional rest would probably help me improve my performance. I'll see if that's true tomorrow where I plan to run the big loop around Central Park (6 miles). My goal is to average around 20 miles a week and I should be able to do that even if I take two days of rest on some weeks.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Return to Jackrabbit

Today's run (street): 2.4 miles at 9:24 per mile

Yesterday I headed over to Union Square with my friend CK for lunch and a visit to Jackrabbit Sports. CK was in need of a new pair of running shoes. The NB 1225's he was using were a year old and had a lot of mileage. He was never very happy with these shoes, mostly because of their wide toe box that can make the forefoot feel unstable. I showed him the Brooks Adrenalines that I wear and really like. He tried on a pair and initially said he felt "flat-footed" but after a few minutes he said they felt very comfortable. I could tell CK was ambivalent about the shoes and I encouraged him to try other pairs. He selected a pair of Saucouny Guide 3's and loved the fit and the energy return that he thought was better than the GTS-10's. CK bought the Guides and I picked up an Amphipod water bottle that is form fitted for carrying while running and has a strap that secures it to your hand. I'll probably use it on Friday during my Central Park run. I could have used it last weekend when temperatures were close to 90.

This morning I headed out again for my run and was surprised by how cool it was compared to Tuesday. I actually felt cold having dressed for warmer temperatures. It took a few minutes to get comfortable but once I did it felt pleasant because there was little humidity in the air. My pace felt much brisker than yesterday's and while it was still a leisurely 9:25 average per mile that was :15 per mile faster than the day before. If not for my time constraints I would have added more miles. I returned home fresh and wishing I had more time to run. I guess it's always to finish wanting more.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

An illuminating run

Today's run (street): 2.4 miles at 9:40 per mile

Not quite this bright!
I know I've already made too much of Sunday's long run but this morning my legs were really sore. I tend to feel the effects of a tough workout a couple of days later and that was the case today. My first thought upon awakening was to give myself a break and take another rest day. I dismissed the thought and considered an easy elliptical or treadmill session instead. Once I saw that the temperature at 4:00 AM was in the high 60's I decided to run outside.

The last few times I'd run with my Petzl Tikka headlamp I noticed that the intensity of the LED beam seemed low, even on the brightest setting. It had been a year since I bought the Petzl unit and had not yet changed the batteries. I corrected that on Sunday and this morning I was amazed by how well the lamp illuminated the streets. I had obviously become used the diminishing beam and had actually done an early morning run recently without the headlamp and didn't notice until I returned home. It was fun seeing my neighborhood lit up this morning, the bright blue-tinged light again creating illusions of evil faces reflected off the front of BMWs and Acuras. More importantly I could see the road better and was able to avoid a torn up stretch where a gas line was recently installed.

I didn't run fast today but I really felt great while I was out there. The air was cool enough to keep things comfortable and my legs, though tired, were fine once I hit the street. It may not have been my most rigorous workout of late but it was one of my most enjoyable early morning excursions. Today I plan to visit Jackrabbit with a friend who is looking for a new pair of running shoes. Between this morning's run and an opportunity to visit a running store during the work day, I couldn't be more pleased.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Lengthening my long runs

Today's workout: Rest day

A "long run" has different definitions based upon who is doing the running. For some, it's runs over 13 miles with the half marathon length serving as the demarcation point. For others (like me less than two years ago) a 5K can be considered an aspirational length. I have been thinking about yesterday's run and how it felt to break a personal distance record. Could I have gone on longer than the eight miles that I'd covered on Sunday? As a practical matter the answer is yes. I stopped when I did because I'd met my goal of eight miles - four out and four back. If my distance goal was nine or ten miles I probably could have accomplished that as well. I finished my run at eight because I had nothing more to prove on Sunday.

I have a goal of doing a 10 mile run this year. It's a distance considered by some to be a nice training run while others view it as an impossibility. I'm happy that it is at least a possible distance for me at this point.. Looking at my splits for yesterday's run, I noticed that my pace dropped measurably after an hour's running. I ran the first 6.2 miles averaging 8:57 per mile but miles seven and eight were far slower, closer to 9:30. I really liked running for longer than an hour. It surprised me that I had enough energy to pass other runners even near the end. Perhaps I'll look at increasing distance as my next focus point and worry less about pace. Well, maybe just a little less.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

1,000 calorie run at Bethpage State Park

Today's workout (Bethpage bike trail): 8.15 miles at 9:10 per mile

Not counting last year's Cape Cod marathon relay in Falmouth where I ran 9 miles across two non-consecutive legs, I established a personal distance record on today's run. Unlike Falmouth, today was an uninterrupted run that covered over eight miles in an hour and fourteen minutes. I'd made the decision not to run this morning's RXR 10K and, perhaps out of guilt for not racing, I decided to do a long distance run on my own. In order to break out of my usual 5-6 mile doldrums that have been standing in as my long weekend runs over the last couple of months, I knew that needed to leave the neighborhood to help frame out a longer run.

I headed to Bethpage State Park and paid my fee at the gate. I tried to buy an Empire Passport on the spot but they only accepted a check or cash and I only had a little cash and some credit cards. I began my run at the end of the bike trail and immediately met the sharp but mercifully short initial hill. Once level I knew that I'd enjoy a long downhill at the half mile mark. The enjoyment was bittersweet because I knew I'd need to climb that long hill upon my return when I would be depleted from an hour-plus of running. I followed the trail for four miles and passed a number of runners and walkers and winced each time a cyclist whizzed by from behind a little too close for comfort. At one point two cyclists, who were riding side by side, came toward me and would have run me off the path but I stood my ground. Unfortunately for the closer rider, the end of my elbow struck his arm and produced a yelp. I apologized by yelling "share the road!" I think they learned their lesson. At least they didn't come after me.

A funny thing about the Bethpage bike trail is that it often gives the illusion that you are running uphill even when you're not. As I made my way for the 4 mile out segment I kept thinking how I'd enjoy the downhill side of the hills I was encountering. I turned around shortly after crossing the overpass to the Southern State Parkway and was dismayed as I headed back for the second 4 miles that the path seemed to run uphill. I still had plenty of energy at the midpoint so the hills were easily met but in the back of my mind I was dreading the long uphill stretch I'd encounter between miles 7 and 8. I caught and passed a few more runners and walkers and monitored my Garmin to make sure my heart rate was staying within range. I managed to keep my pace around 9:00 per mile for most of my run but by mile seven I slowed down to the mid-9:00 range, especially on the run-ending hills. The only time I questioned whether I could finish what would be a personal best for distance was leading up the big final hill. When I got there I just dug in, took smaller steps and hoped it would soon be over.

In the end I covered 8.15 miles and when I looked at the run summary on the Garmin I saw that I'd expended exactly 1,000 calories over the course of my run. I'm pleased that I've broken the 8 mile single run barrier and I feel better than I thought I would after all that work. Some day I'll run 9 but for today, the record stands at 8.15.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Two good runs: one fast, one slow, both hot.

Yesterday's workout (Central Park): 3.25 miles at 8:52 per mile

Today's workout (street): 5.48 miles at 9:21 per mile

In terms of effort I'd say both today's and yesterday's runs were about even. It's hot today and it was hot in NYC yesterday when I trekked over to Central Park. I much prefer the cooler seasons for running but I also appreciate the way the trees and plants bloom in late spring and summer. The Park was filled with runners, cyclists and walkers when I arrived and I made my way over to the bike path on the lower loop to start my planned 3 mile run. My friend Steve had a conflict so he couldn't join me today so I decided to go it alone for a run that followed the lower and upper loops below the reservoir. I knew that the hardest part of the run would happen in the first half because a good part of that route is uphill.

Surprisingly, it took me about a mile to break a sweat but once I did I got REALLY hot. I cut across the Great Lawn and headed back down, hugging the shade and happy to know that a few downhills awaited me. I'd maintained a decent pace even with the uphill challenges and I passed a number of runners although I also got passed a couple of times near the end. By the time I returned to my starting point I was glad to finish, cool down and head back to the office. A meeting had spilled into my planned running window that caused my run+lunch timing to be very tight. I quickly changed, grabbed a fast bite and finished a minute before my 2:00 meeting. I was glad that I'd run an 8:52 pace or I might have ended up being late!

This morning I headed out for a neighborhood run with no planned route in mind. I intentionally ignored the Garmin because I didn't want to influence my pace in any way. Although it was hot and sunny I figured that I could a cover some good distance as long as I didn't push too hard. I did check my heart rate throughout the run to ensure I was keeping to around 80% of max. I traveled through my neighborhood roads and cut across to neighborhood #2 at the 2.5 mile mark. I chose some different streets that I hadn't run before, just for a change. I wound up covering 5.5 miles and finished feeling like I'd done a lot of work this morning. I need to work more on distance so I'm considering heading to Bethpage tomorrow to run the bike path where I can cover 8 to 10 miles out and back. Either that or a return to Stillwell to begin training for the next XTERRA race.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Racing through spring

Today's planned run: Central Park

I'm feeling rested after taking a break yesterday. I'm hoping that this will translate into some good running today and over the weekend. I'm planning to run again with my friend in Central Park at lunchtime. It should be 70 degrees by noon with lots of sun. Oh, for the want of a shower in my office!

It's amazing that tomorrow is already May 1st. This year is going by quickly and I attribute much of that to spending a good part of January recovering from pneumonia. It's like I lost a month. But spring is here and the weather has been nice for outside activities. I'm thinking about my racing plans between now and summer. Right now, I've got three events in my sights:

The Brooke Jackman Run for Literacy 5K - May 16
A local race in mid-May. It's a run/walk so my family can also participate.

The XTERRA Trail Race Series 8K run at Stillwell Woods - June 6
This is the second Stillwell XTERRA race this year. I did the first in March and it was tough. Add 1.5 miles  to that course and you have the June 6 race.

New Hyde Park 8K - June 13
I ran this race last year and learned my lesson about starting too fast. I bonked 2/3 of the way through the course but still ended up with a sub-9:00 pace (just barely).

This would mean I'd be running three races in one month's time. It seems like a lot but I do those distances as training runs every weekend. The XTERRA is the biggest challenge and until recently I thought I wouldn't be up for it. I will do what's necessary to be ready to run it by the 6th. After all, racing is a great way to train for other races.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Take a break, it's good for you

Today's workout: Rest day

For the third time this week my day started with the loud bleat of my my alarm clock. Yesterday's run, though short, was tough and I decided that if I woke up on my own, minutes before the alarm as I usually do, I would do my planned workout. If not I'd take a rare mid week rest day because I obviously need it this week. Even so, I struggled with the decision but, ultimately, I'm glad that I rested.

When I ran in Central Park with my friend CK last week I'd mentioned that I run or work out every day except Mondays. He was incredulous (he obviously doesn't read my blog!) and said I shouldn't run so often. I told him the distances I am covering during week days and he agreed that my schedule is probably fine. However, he did say that resting a day or two, or even for a week occasionally, can be beneficial. I guess that helped me feel better about skipping today's planned elliptical session. I'm planning to run in the city tomorrow and I'm sure this week's extra day of rest will help reset my energy level and prepare me for longer runs over the weekend.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Defining a good run

Today's run (street): 2.3 miles at 9:19/mile

By now I've done enough running to know that some runs just go better than others. I don't get upset when I struggle through a run because I know it's circumstance, not ability, that is making the going tough on that particular day. I've done long runs that seemed effortless a day after I ran a particularly difficult shorter run. What defines a good run? Is it how you feel when running or how fast you covered the distance? Or is it the way you feel at the end that matters?

I didn't feel particularly energized this morning when I went out and I started off slower than usual. I know this because my Garmin kept chirping to indicate that I was drifting out of my defined pace range. It was cold at 4 AM and with the wind, even colder. I dressed for the weather but it took me a few minutes to warm up. I usually start my runs on cold days by going north on roads that have slight elevations. This makes me work a little more and helps get my body temperature regulated. The extra work needed for the hill plus that first few minutes transitioning to aerobic breathing sometimes makes it feel hard. That was the case today and it didn't feel much better ten minutes into the run.

It was probably fatigue but my legs felt heavy and though it seemed like I was running at a brisk pace I could see that I really wasn't. I can't say that I enjoyed today's run as much as other recent workouts but when I finally reached home I had the same feeling of accomplishment that I get every time I complete a run. It's a great feeling and I didn't care about the numbers. I got through a tough one today and as I cooled down I knew I'd soon be rewarded with a hot cup of coffee. That was enough to call it a good run.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pacing discovery on the treadmill

Today's run (treadmill): 2.4 miles at 9:08/mile

Although I was fully prepared to run on the treadmill when I set up my gear last night I felt a little differently this morning. The alarm woke me up from a sound sleep and made me question whether a workout or thirty extra minutes of sleep would do me the most good. I would have liked the extra sleep but I knew if I didn't run I'd feel guilty for the rest of the day. Despite its negative connotations, I truly believe that guilt has its good side. I had a little coffee and got on the machine, resigned to running a couple of miles.

As I started my run I compared the pace on the display to the pace on my Garmin that I knew was accurately calibrated. The two readings were closer than I'd expected them to be. I increased the tread speed and saw that the paces changed in sync with each other but once I got to target speed I found that I could achieve a faster pace on the Garmin, compared to the treadmill's, just by quickening my cadence. When I resumed my default running rhythm the Garmin's readout resumed duplicating the treadmill's. It was an interesting discovery because now I know I can naturally speed up or slow down a little without needing to mess with the treadmill's controls. That makes a big difference to me because much of my frustration with the treadmill is from the tedium that comes with being forced to maintain a hardwired pace.

Although I started off tired I did rebound and got through 2.4 miles at a decent pace. I don't know why I find treadmill running so much harder than road or trail running but I do. Still, I rather it be that way than the other way around.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Sunday run with the Emerging Runner Girl

Yesterday's runs (street): 4.4 miles at 9:02 + .75 mile fun run

Counting Friday's run in the city, I managed to cover a little more than 12 miles this weekend. Out of those twelve my favorite experience was on a distance less than a mile (more below). With last Tuesday's 4.8 miles in Central Park and another 2+ miles on Wednesday, I still fell short of my informal weekly goal of reaching 20 miles. Of course if I include the 2 miles covered on the elliptical last Thursday I'll be able to claim that goal. Okay, done. 21 miles for the week!

As hoped, the rain slowed down by early Sunday afternoon and I took the opportunity to hit the neighborhood streets. I don't generally do my best speed running at 1:30 in the afternoon but I tried to keep the pace as brisk as possible. Due to the wet roads I wore my Adidas Response 15 trail runners. That was less for protection on the slippery road service and more to keep my Brooks GTS 10's from getting wet and dirty. I ran about 1.5 miles on local neighborhood streets and then cut over the neighborhood #2 for the bulk of the run. Since I was running in trail shoes I took advantage of a few areas alongside the road that had packed dirt and grass. It was pleasing to hear the chirp of the Garmin as I passed the two mile point. The third followed surprisingly soon after the second. At one point I looked at the watch and noticed that it was giving me readouts that said "00:15 ahead" which confused me. I then realized that when I updated the FR60's firmware yesterday it switched to a default setup that included a virtual running partner. I would have had fun with the virtual partner if I better understood the interface. I again relied on my heart rate monitor to guide me in terms of effort. My pace seemed fast for those conditions but, after verifying on Gmaps, I confirmed that the Garmin was accurate.

When I got home from my run I was met by my 11 year old daughter who had been riding her scooter and waiting for me to return. We decided to run a loop around some of the local roads and covered .75 miles between 10-10:30 mins per mile. Though it had been months since we ran together she kept up very well. My daughter has near perfect running form and she lands on her front foot naturally. I think she was happy when I told her that I learn things by watching her run. Next weekend I hope we will be able to cover more distance.

It's still very soggy in NYC and on Long Island so I'm not sure what outdoor running I'll be able to do during the week. I'm planning to get at least one Central Park run in before next weekend, assuming we see clear skies this week.

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