Thursday, December 11, 2008

Running gear

According to there are about 8 to 16 million "frequent" runners in the US. It's a huge market for clothes and other gear. The Running USA website has some interesting statistics about the demographics of runners and what they buy. That said, I wonder why it's so hard to find a place that sells crew length running socks. I can't be the only one that wants them. On the subject of running clothing, a member of the Emerging Runner advisory board told me today about an interesting website: It's an auction style site run by, an outdoor clothing manufacturer. Every 20 minutes they put up an item that you can purchase at a substantial discount but only during the period the item is active. Looks addictive.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

143 days and counting...

I officially registered for the 5K race so there's no turning back now. The cost to enter was modest but the psychological cost (should I end up not participating) would be much greater. So I'm committed. Plus I'd get a t-shirt! I was very happy to see that the race starts at 8:00 AM so it should be relatively cool in early May.

I mentioned this race at lunch today to a friend who happens to be an accomplished runner. He was surprised that I'm not doing a race sooner than May. His point is that I am capable of runnning a 5K now and there are a lot of other races between now and May '09. He made a good point. If I come across a local 5K in early 2009 that looks interesting I may be tempted to do that. In the meantime I'm focused on May 2nd, 8:00 AM.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Improving my 5K pace

Instead of merely getting through my morning run today I concentrated on maintaining a faster pace. As I gear up for my first 5K (144 days from now) my focus has been on increasing my distance and duration rather than speed. I think we all have a natural pace where we run without thinking about running. I'm guessing this is why most people run, to reach a state where exercise and enjoyment come together. This morning was not one of those times. I started out at a 9:55/min pace as a warm up and brought up my speed to the point where I finished with an average pace of about 9:15. I have run faster than that – in fact I once did a mile in about 7:50 but I haven't come close to that time again. This leads me to think that I never really attained that pace in the first place, perhaps my Nike+ Sportband was not properly calibrated. By the way, it appears as though Nike is no longer listing the Sportsband on their online store. I hope they decide to fix the problems with this unit rather than give up on it. There's nothing else out there that provides the same utility for anything close to its $59 price. The alternative is to use the Nike+ sensor with an iPod but since many (including myself) don't own an iPod or like to listen to music while running it's an unsatisfactory solution. Besides that, an iPod costs a lot more than the Sportband.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Fitness Showrooms responds

In an earlier post I mentioned that the heart rate monitor on our new BH Fitness elliptical was wildly inaccurate. I requested a solution from Fitness Showrooms and they responded very quickly by ordering a replacement part. They will send a tech to install it when it comes in. I don't know what kind of response I would have got from a big sporting goods chain but I am very pleased with the level of service we've received from Fitness Showrooms.

My fake 5K

Given the snow and the cold I did my running indoors yesterday. My goal this weekend was to duplicate a 5K run which I was hoping to do on the street or on the track. I did it on the treadmill instead and while I was pleased that I had enough energy to keep going at the end point I recognized that conditions (softer surface, belt motion, no hills) made this an ideal rather than representative run. On the other hand, it's cooler to run outdoors this time of year which is why I prefer to run that way.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Snowed Out!

I've usually viewed a blanket of snow on a weekend morning as a positive thing since it's visually beautiful and it doesn't interfere with my daily commute. This morning I was hoping to do a long outside run but I didn't want to take the chance of slipping on the pavement or the track. So today I'm forced to run on the treadmill where I can watch the snow through our guest room window. Maybe I'll open the window to bring in some cold air and create a faux outdoor experience.

The real disappointment is that my son and I won't be able to run on the track today. He's too young to run on the treadmill but he's been using the elliptical. It's not so much the exercise, it's that we really enjoy the experience of running together.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Fitness as a common language

Running and training provide benefits beyond physical fitness. I have discovered that many people in my life are runners, lapsed runners, dedicated walkers, cyclists or are just generally active. I have learned a great deal about nutrition, technique, training gear and even how to set expectations for progress through conversations with friends, co-workers and business colleagues. People have been universally helpful and encouraging about my efforts. I suspect a few people, after these discussions, are thinking more about their own training and fitness programs.

In addition I greatly enjoy training because it's an activity that I can share with my family. My wife and I frequently compare notes on our daily progress. We reinforce each other's dedication to training, help each other maintain a healthy diet and we often exercise together on weekends. My nine year old son has been running with me, first just around the neighborhood but today we went to the local High School and ran laps around the track. He did great and he wants to go back tomorrow. I like the track as well because it allows me to run outside (which I prefer) but it's much more cushioned than pavement. I'd like to try a regular run on the track and aim for a personal best for distance.

Nike+ site is down

One of my favorite activities on a Saturday is uploading my week's runs to the Nike+ website. I had a great workout session today, over an hour, and I was disappointed to find that the Nike+ site was down. Their web page says "We are performing system upgrades to make Nike+ even better. Please check back in a few hours." Oh well, at least I can enter my week's cross training sessions at MapMyRun.

UPDATE: The site is back up at 1:24PM

Problem with my elliptical machine

We looked at a number of elliptical machines before buying ours. After much discussion with friends and lots of online research we ended up buying an X1 from BH Fitness. It's a quality unit and we bought it from a company called Fitness Showrooms that sells high end equipment. Our unit was reasonably priced and it seemed to be built better than the units they sell at Dick's Sporting Goods. Overall we are happy with the unit and the service (we had some small installation problems and a tech from Fitness Showrooms came by and addressed most of them). One problem that remains is that the heart rate monitor is completely inaccurate. I wonder if it was installed backward because my starting point is usually a HR of 170 and after a fairly intense session it drops below 100. The Fitness Showrooms tech told my wife that the HRM won't work if there is a computer in the same room or even on the same floor as the elliptical unit. I know enough about wireless networks to debate that. First, although it isn't listed in the manual I'm assuming that the the elliptical's control panel operates on a different frequency as my home network. Second, the HRM doesn't work even when when the computer is off. I'm going to ask the dealer to fix it or rebate me the value of the HRM so I can buy one like the Polar RS100 watch.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Running when you don't feel well

I woke up feeling tired and weak this morning and I was tempted to skip my run in the name of recovery. I had read in a book about running that there are two schools of thought about training while fighting an illness: rest and recover or powering through. I chose to run and was surprised that when I reached the end of my running time (my morning training is part of a complex set of routines that, if followed to the second, allow me to make my train) I was feeling pretty strong. It's not the first time I've experienced this - a really good run after starting out tired. I didn't eat anything prior to running as I have been doing but I had an unusually carb-heavy lunch yesterday and that clearly provided enough fuel.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Perspective on running goals

I enjoy talking to long term runners because it helps me set expectations for my own progress. I'm still a beginner who views a (comfortable) four mile run as a goal but I hope that I will eventually get to a level where I consider that a routine distance. When I first started running the thought of entering a marathon seemed crazy but now I realize that goals are what get people to actually go outside and run every day (or so). I have no interest in running a marathon or even a half marathon but I do aspire to reach a level of fitness over the next couple of years where I can run credibly in a 10K race. Increasing distance or pace is a realistic objective for all runners and it can be done against your own timeline. If I'm going to be competitive for the 5K in May I'll need to be comfortable running at least 4 miles. I know I can get close to that now but not yet at a pace that I want published in race results!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Nike+ Sportband recall

I am currently on my third Nike+ Sportband. My first two became unusable after the display failed. My current Sportband is beginning to corrode the same way. Yesterday I saw an article online that said Nike was doing a voluntary recall of the Sportbands due to display failure. It's really too bad that they introduced a product with such a bad flaw. I rely on the Sportband because it tracks distance whether I run indoors or out. I may end up getting a Garmin Forerunner 405 or Polar RS800 watch with GPS if my Sportband fails again. These are good watches but they are much more expensive than the Nike+ Sportband. Also, unless you invest in the footpod option (on the Garmin) you can only track outdoor runs.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gearing up for a 5K race

I am planning to run in a 5K race in May that is part of a larger set of races that include a marathon, half marathon, 10K, 1 mile and kids run. A friend of mine who has been running for a couple of years will be joining me. I'm confident that I'll be able to run a credible pace for 5K by then but I do need to work on both speed and endurance. I'm going to try to run a 5K course this weekend as a way of training for the upcoming race. I use Google Earth, Gmaps and MapMyRun to plan my routes. They are all very accurate (to the inch) so you can plan ahead or track where you ran against your elapsed time to calculate your pace.

Workout diversity - running and elliptical training

It's been a long time since I've been consistently active and I have to be careful about over training. The elliptical machine is a great alternative to a daily run and I've discovered that setting the resistance to 3x requires an exertion similar to running on the treadmill. The advantages of the elliptical is that the burden on my knees and feet is much lower and the arm motion, especially with resistance, provides some upper body exercise. The elliptical does not provide a consistent aerobic challenge so I find I can go longer but I don't feel like I'm helping to improve breathing and lung capacity. During my days off I did some longer sessions, 25 minutes on the elliptical followed by 25 minutes running on the treadmill. Those sessions definitely provided a more rounded workout.

Comparing indoor versus outdoor running

I was out of the office most of last week for the Thanksgiving break. Days off give me more time to run outside and I think that it's important to balance indoor treadmill running with pavement running. The experiences are very different, the view on the treadmill (Pro-Form L18) doesn't change (unless TV counts) while my outdoor runs are almost always unique in terms of route. The treadmill is a more forgiving and enabling process since the tread itself is more padded than pavement and the motion of the tread provides momentum for the runner. On the other hand outdoor running provides a variety of conditions (elevations, weather, terrain) that can be positive (or negative) distractions.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My first 5K race

I've been thinking about entering a 5K to see how I'd do. I'm pretty certain I can finish but since they post times and pace I'm a little shy about having a bad showing. There are a couple of races in my area between now and the end of the year but I've decided to make this a goal for the 1st quarter of 2009. In the meantime I will use 5k (3.1 mile) as a target for improving speed, time and pace.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Cross training with an elliptical machine

I run every morning and as I increase my distance I worry about the impact on my body. We got a BH Fitness elliptical machine on Friday and it gives me an opportunity to alternate between running and a lower impact form of aerobic exercise. I used it this morning instead of running (first time I've not run since early Sept. - I feel a little guilty). It will be interesting to see if I feel more rested tomorrow when I run.

I had a long weekend and ran longer than usual on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'm thinking about entering a 5K race some time in early 2009.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Performance data

I upload my run data to the Nike+ website (top) which provides a personalized page that tracks my history. It keeps track of total number of runs, total distance and average pace. You can look at each run separately as well. You can also set and track goals, participate in discussions and challenge other Nike+ users. MapMyRun provides similar functionality but doesn't require the use of the Nike+ system. You can import your data from the Nike site to MapMyRun (directly above) and see much more detail about the run than Nike provides.

Trying something new

I've been reading about the importance of proper hydration and eating to support running. Up until yesterday I would do my 1 - 2 miles each morning fortified with nothing but a half cup of coffee. I've been experimenting with small snacks, yesterday I had some wheat crackers before my run and I felt much more energized. Today I drank some extra water before my run and ate half of a low fat low sugar granola bar before running. I ate the second half after with the rest of my coffee. I think there is a difference in terms of the pace I can maintain.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My routine

I've asked a lot of other runners about their running routines. Most say that they run three to five times a week and have stressed the importance of taking days to rest or cross train. I don't take days off to rest because I'm afraid that if I stop it will be harder to resume. Plus I would feel guilty for missing a day. I run one to two miles every morning (on the treadmill) and then do longer runs outside on weekends. My longest continuous run so far is 2.6 miles and I'm hoping to go a full 3 miles in the next few weeks.

We're getting an elliptical machine this week so I plan to switch between running and elliptical every day (but run Saturdays and Sundays). The elliptical is low impact and will help provide a rest from running.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I've been using the Nike+ Sportsband and sensor to automatically capture my run data. The sensor is a radio frequency identification (RFID) device that fits in your Nike shoe. The wireless sensor records information about the speed and impact of your footfall and sends it to the Sportsband that displays distance, pace and time as you run. The face of the unit can be detached and used as a USB device to upload the data to the Nike+ website and you can see your history of runs.

Yeah, I'm a runner

Actually I'm not much of a runner at this point but I want to be much better. Three months ago I decided to become much more active and improve my diet. I started walking every morning and quickly moved to running when that started feeling right. Although I was in moderately good shape before I started I began to lose weight quickly and was able to run distances I haven't been able to achieve since my first attempts to run regularly in the early '90's.

I'm going to use this blog as a journal to remind myself of my progress and my definitions of success in the early stages of running. I'll talk about the technologies I'm using and the goals I'm setting. I would love to hear from anyone that's interested in these subjects.

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