Showing posts with label strategy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strategy. Show all posts

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Elliptical reunion

It has been so long since I used the elliptical machine that I couldn't even remember the right buttons to hit as I started my session this morning. I have become anti-machine oriented but for all the right reasons. I value both the elliptical and treadmill for their utility but when there's an opportunity to run outside I can't bring myself to stay inside. Looking back at the summer I realize how incredibly fortunate I have been in terms of weather. Although I run or otherwise exercise six day s a week I have not had occasion to miss a day's activity due to rain. I have dealt with a few stormy situations but the skies cleared up or stayed clear in time for my planned runs either early in the morning, during the work day or over the weekends. I hope I haven't jinxed myself by recognizing my fortune.

Once I figured out the controls, I made my way through about 25 minutes of ellipticalling using a moderately high resistance level. Although it was cool and dry outside this morning and I could have easily slipped out for a run I'd decided to go for an easier workout today. I'm in the final days leading to my next race and I figured a little cross training couldn't hurt. Despite the cool outside temperatures my guestroom felt like a sweatbox and I appreciated that because I sometimes feel like I don't do enough work when I'm on that machine. If work is measured by sweat I've certainly acquitted myself well today. My plans for tomorrow are up in the air. We have finished with "Summer Fridays" so I'm planning to be at my office for the whole day. Right now my options are doing a 4:00 AM run, a longer Central Park run as soon as I get in or a mid-day run at lunchtime. I can probably cover more ground mid-day because I'll have more time but it will be hotter and I really prefer running in the morning. Of course if it rains that could change everything.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hold the pace, improve your race

I heard from my friend and running advisor, CK, after I'd posted about last Sunday's 8K race. He was convinced that my stamina issue was related to the pace I'd maintained over the first three miles. My initial reaction was to debate this because I'd maintained the same pace pretty successfully in both my 4 miler in April and my 5K in May. But I think he was right. I know I can run a 5K at 8:33 and a 4 mile race at 8:50. Add another mile to that and I finished last Sunday's 8K with a 9:00 pace. So clearly my performance degrades with each mile after the first three.

I was only passed by one or two people in the 5K and that happened in the final 400 meters to the finish line. I was passed by a lot more people in the final mile of the 4-mile race and in miles 4 and 5 of the 8K. I experienced more than one "Where did they come from?" moment in reaction to hearing fast footsteps behind me as we moved toward the end of the race..

CK said that holding back on your pace is an effective race strategy, especially for a 5 mile distance. Perhaps, instead of 8:25,  if I'd maintained closer to an 8:50 to 9 minute pace through the first three miles I'd have had enough in reserve to pass instead of being passed. It's worth testing that theory. This weekend I'm planning to try one of my long runs starting at a moderate pace and then start increasing my speed as I get closer to the end.

I may find that this helps or that I'm simply losing significant energy after 4 or 4 miles due to a need to improve my level of conditioning. But when accomplished runners like CK give me advice, I listen.

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