Showing posts with label self-motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-motivation. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I miss the morning drought of 2010

No running in the rain this morning* 
Today's run (treadmill): 2.4 miles

Last year I had a five month span between spring and fall when I avoided running on the treadmill. We had no rain at 4:00 AM between the period of May and October , at least on the days when I'd planned to run. This winter has not been a runner's paradise and I've found myself on the treadmill more often than not during my weekday morning runs. I expected rain this morning and headed directly to the treadmill without checking outside. I'm not sure it was raining when I started but it was pouring by the time I'd finished.

Familiarity can breed contempt but it can also be comforting. Since I had nothing but contempt for the treadmill historically, there was no place to go but up. I followed my usual routine today, progressively increasing my speed and finishing at around an 8:50 pace. Knowing that I don't need to get up to speed right away makes it easier to motivate myself to start. By blipping the FAST button every few minutes I can manage my level of effort. My only rule is that I can only go faster, that is, until I've reached my planned end time when I stop recording my run on the Garmin and finish with a few minutes of cool-down running.

I may go for a Central Park run on Friday with my friend CK. It's supposed to get up to 70 degrees which is nice, but also sweat inducing. I've got a big meeting Friday afternoon and it wouldn't be right to sit there looking like a wet dog. I'll figure it out whether to run at noon once I get an updated weather report.

*Picture courtesy of

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Another win for the inner debate team

Today's run (treadmill): 2.4 miles

Yesterday's transition back to work was harder than I'd expected. The day was long and I was busy. We'd had workmen in the house all day on Monday so when I got home I needed to set up the TV, sound system and other electronics that had been moved for the work. That took up the rest of my night and as I laid out my gear I was hoping I'd have the energy for a morning run.

I really really didn't feel like doing a workout when I got up and it was one of those times when I had to talk myself into running. I felt that if I didn't run today I'd be giving myself permission to rest every time I didn't feel like a 4:00 AM workout. Which is often the case. Once convinced, I started on the treadmill (I couldn't deal with all the outdoor running gear today) and followed my normal routine of starting at a moderate pace and stepping up my speed over time. By the end I was running at around an 8:40 pace.

Once again, I was glad that I listened to my inner coach instead of my inner couch potato. I'm thinking that I may return to the roads for tomorrow's run. It's been well over a month since I've done an outdoor run at 4:00 AM.

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