Friday, June 29, 2012

Central Park Fun Run

Fun Run start and finish spot
Yesterday's run (Central Park Fun Run): 1.6 miles

Yesterday afternoon my company's division held its summer holiday picnic in Central Park. I work with great people and it's a pleasure to spend time with them. The picnic is usually a low key affair and this year was no different. We order sandwiches, walk together to Central Park and settle in at a predetermined spot. The activities are optional, some play Frisbee or pickup football games and others enjoy relaxing in the shade. This year we brought back our "Fun Run/Walk" that we last did in 2009.

We had over twenty signed up for the run but (unfortunately) a few people needed to remain at the office resolving some business issues. This event was non-competitive and we took off together at a manageable pace. Our course followed the lower loop of the Park in a clockwise direction. Most cyclists and runners go counter-clockwise, but I wanted to start us off going downhill (and also wanted to avoid finishing uphill).

1.6 miles goes by fairly quickly, but the distance was perfect considering the heat and humidity. It is always fun to run with a group, especially this one. Before I knew it, we'd reached the top of the Mall and followed the path back to our starting point. A couple of people put down the hammer for the final third of a mile, but I was content to maintain my mid-9:00 pace until the end.

I'd brought Wet Ones wipes for people to "towel down" after they'd finished and I was glad that I did. We watched the rest of our colleagues come in, the runners and then the walkers. When all were accounted for we crossed the road and joined our division colleagues at the picnic spot. It was a perfect way to detach from the business and generate a little sweat, not far from the office. I wish we could do this every week!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why do I walk so fast and run so slow?

Today's run (street): 2.5 miles

Yesterday morning I took a walk with a colleague to Central Park to scope out locations for our division Fun Run. She's a fast fitness walker, but I was able to keep up with little effort. I typically walk faster than anyone I know and I always have. It's easy for me and it probably has something to do with my long stride length. So, why then, am I such a mediocre runner?

Before I started running I used to think that I'd be fast, simply because I walk fast, but four years of history tell me that's not true. I sometimes wonder if there are things that I do when I walk that get lost in translation when I run. My stride length when running always seems short to me and I know my cadence is typically 8% less than the ideal of 180 steps per minute.

This morning I went out again on a cool morning run and moved along fine, but I barely cracked the 9:00 range for my pace. I know that if I'd put in more effort I could have improved by 30 seconds per mile, but not much more than that. It would be great if I could apply my walking speed to running, but I don't see an easy way to do that. And, no, I have no interest in race walking, whatsoever.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Back to the 4:00 AM thing

Today's run (street): 2.5 miles

I've been busy with post-vacation business and have not had a chance to post until now. Later this week my division will be holding its summer picnic in Central Park and I've organized a 1.6 mile non-competitive run/walk. I'm hoping we get a good crowd of participants like last time.

It was back to 4:00 AM running this morning. After so many hot and humid days, I was fortunate to have temperatures in the high-50's. These conditions were further helped by the cooling mist from lawn sprinklers along my way. I didn't break any speed records this morning, but I was proud of myself for getting up and out again at that early hour.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

This may be my all-time PwDR*

A high mileage vacation week
Today's run (street): 3.25 miles

* Personal (weekly) Distance Record

I finished this vacation week with a short run that felt much harder than I expected it would be. Even with all the activities we've done over the last seven days, I've managed to cover 28 miles. Including my Central Park run on the 15th, I've run over 40 miles since my vacation started. I haven't done many long runs over these past ten days, but the frequency has been high, with only one rest day since the 14th.

Today's run started well. I took some different streets and enjoyed the sunny skies while I took in the sights of  my neighborhood. There were lots of walkers today and I counted at four other runners on the road. I'm not sure why, but the last mile took a lot more effort than the first two. I think the humidity just wore me down.

Surprisingly, I don't know the maximum number of miles I'd previously covered in a week, but I would guess it was about 25. I targeted 3 miles today but really hoped I'd feel strong enough to cover five and get to 30 miles for the week. I'm not sure why, but I just didn't have the energy so I stayed with my original plan. I was pretty beat when I finished, but happy with my weekly total.

Back to the office tomorrow, which means a return to 4:00 AM runs and shorter distances. Perhaps next Saturday I can get in another long base run and extend my streak of 80+ mile months to four.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Accel Gel gives protein a good name

More syrupy than gooey, but worth a try
Today's run (street): 5.5 miles

Compared with yesterday's weather, today is paradise. The sun is back, and the temperatures are moderate. The humidity is higher than I'd like, but completely bearable. I rested yesterday and was more than ready to get out for a run this morning.

I tested Chocolate #9 energy gel earlier in the week with good results. It seemed to deliver on its promise of preventing sugar highs or lows and I will definitely pick up a few more, next time I'm at REI. This morning I tried another brand called Accel Gel from Pacific Health Labs that claims to provide rapid energy to muscles using a (patented) formula with a 4:1 ratio of carbs to protein.

Almost everything I've read about effective energy supplements supports an ideal mixture of simple and complex carbs, along with amino acids and, occasionally, caffeine. Protein is usually relegated to post workout recovery, since it doesn't convert easily to glycogen. The Accel Gel website states that the protein in the mix is helpful for both endurance and muscle recovery.

I took an Accel Gel (vanilla flavor) about 15 minutes prior to my run, with water. The gel wasn't thick like GU. It felt and tasted more like sweetened vanilla extract syrup. Gels aren't intended to be consumed as snacks. If they were, I'm guessing few people would choose this brand. I'm not saying it was bad, but I didn't love the taste.  

Like the Chocolate #9 gel, this Accel Gel helped get me through the initial minutes of my run with good energy. I wondered whether this feeling would reverse itself later, after a few miles of depletion. I think there may be something to the endurance claim, because I didn't feel run down after 50 minutes of running in the sun, heat and humidity.

Running is as much about your head as your body, and today, my head felt a bit tired. Interestingly, my body was ready to work, and I managed to move along well despite feeling like I was pushing too hard. Was it the gel that kept me going? Hard to know. But I had a pleasant 5.5 mile run and, even with the humidity, I didn't come close to a bonk.

As with Chocolate #9, more testing of Accel Gel is required. However, I was pleased what I've experienced today. GU Roctane is still my go-to gel during races, but it's always nice to have other options.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Rest and celebration on a hot summer's day

It's been quite a week off between vacation, Father's Day, and my daughter's middle school graduation. On top of that, today is my daughter's 14th birthday, so the celebration continues. In between all that, I've already run 19 miles this week. That should help push me past 80 miles for the month.

This morning my daughter received an award for achievement at her school. The ceremony started at 8:00 AM so I decided to take a rest from running today. I have the whole weekend to get in more miles. It's brutally hot and very humid right now and I am hoping that conditions will be better by tomorrow. Most of today's activities will be held indoors, except for some fun and games by the pool.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

BH Fitness elliptical parts are 75 days late!

Waiting for parts, 45 days and counting...
Today's run (treadmill): 3.1 miles (6% - 4% - 2% incline)

I just learned today that the parts to fix our BH Fitness elliptical machine will not be shipped for another 30 days. This is on top of the 45 days that we've waited since our local repair person diagnosed the problem. The X1 had some initial problems, but overall, it has been a good machine. Still, the elliptical wore out fast considering BH Fitness was sold to me as a "premium" brand. Of course the company that sold it to me was Fitness Showrooms, who never stood behind their product. 

We had a busy schedule today, so I did my run indoors on the treadmill. This treadmill, a Sole F63, has also had its share of problems. The belt slip that we'd experienced when we first used it has returned. We'd hoped that replacing the motor and the tread had fixed the problem. Perhaps it's time to think about a more heavy duty machine.

The temperature reached 100° today and, for some reason, I decided that it would be a good idea to run with a 6% incline for 15 minutes before dropping down to 4% for the next five. I decreased the incline and increased my speed intermittently until I finished the workout. We bought a stand up oscillating fan at Target today that I've positioned in front of the treadmill. I wish I had it this morning. Even with central air, the heat and humidity were the worst I've experienced this year.

Really nice and pockets too!
While at Target, I also picked a great pair of C9 running shorts (with two side pockets!) for less than $19. With a 9" inseam they'll be perfect for the trails.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Chocolate #9 seems to deliver

Today's run (street): 3.5 miles

It's going to be a hot and soggy day today, so I got out at 7:00 AM to try to beat the heat. Over the weekend we had stopped into REI, where I picked up some gels that I had not previously tried. REI offers one of the best selections of gels and performance foods I've seen and they usually offer deals as an incentive to try new items.

I tried one of the new gels, called Chocolate #9, before my run. According to the company website, this gel:
  • is sweetened only with organic agave.
  • contains no refined sugar or other HIGH glycemic index sweeteners.
  • has been tested and certified as a “LOW” glycemic index (GI) item.
  • reduces the negative effect of repetitive insulin “spiking” during sustained exercise.
  • won’t cause a sugar high or a sugar low – bonk.
  • is an excellent energy choice for endurance athletes.
  • is suitable for most diabetics.
  • is an excellent choice for those not wanting to eat refined sugar.
  • is vegan, low fat and gluten free.
  • contains no synthetics – no unpleasant aftertastes – tastes great.
  • contains no “mystery” ingredients, colorings, or preservatives.
  • is easy on the stomach.
The gel tasted fine and I felt stronger than usual as I set out on my run. It didn't translate into any great speed, but that wasn't a priority today. Despite the humidity, I didn't start to sweat until the second mile. My pace was easy but my form was good. I ran seven miles yesterday so today's 3+ miles seemed to go by fairly quickly.

I don't know how much credit I should give to this gel for providing me consistent energy throughout my run, but it certainly didn't hurt my performance. I'll try it again to see if the benefit is consistent or if today's experience was a fluke. For now, I'll give Chocolate #9 the benefit of the doubt.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

An easy seven at Bethpage

Ongoing work near the Bethpage trail head
Today's run (Bethpage State Park): 7.3 miles

I finally made it back to Bethpage this morning to get in some distance without being confined by the borders of my neighborhood. Bethpage provides a paved trail that reaches as far south as Massapequa Preserve. The out and back is over 13 rolling miles and this provided a great practice course for the LI Half. There are some sections that involve crossing roads, but normally there is little traffic to consider.

It felt cool and the park was virtually empty when I arrived at 8:00 AM. I noticed that the construction fences were still up since the last time I'd run there. I still don't understand exactly what they're doing, but I'm curious to see how it turns out.

My plan was to run easy today. Despite the cool air, I could tell that it was going to be humid and I wasn't looking to set any records. I set off in a trot and soon the first hill was behind me. I'd brought a gel and a small bottle of water, but didn't use either on the run today. There was no point where it got so hard that I felt that I needed them. If I was pushing my speed, it would have been a different story.

The part of the Bethpage path that I always dread comes near the end, with two hills that can really test my stamina over the last 1.5 miles. Today I approached them like any other challenge on the route, keeping my stride short and my speed at a manageable level. I was soaked with sweat by the time I finished, but I still felt strong. It was the longest I'd run I'd done since the LI Half in May.

I'm hoping to cover over 20 miles this vacation week. That will help me reach my monthly target. I've run more than 80 miles in each of the last three months and I'm hoping to continue that for June. It's supposed to get very hot and VERY humid as the week goes on. That could curb the length of my runs unless I drag myself outside early and beat the heat.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Simulated and stimulated on the treadmill

View of the open road, via the guest room
Today's run (treadmill): 50 minutes

My daughter is graduating from middle school tonight and there's a lot happening today. Although the weather is clear and cool outside, I elected to do today's run on the treadmill. I did that mostly to save time, plus it gave me an opportunity to try running with my iPad using Visually Active while I listened to my favorite podcast.

The cool outside air didn't quite make it into the guestroom, and it wasn't long before I was really sweating. The podcast was entertaining but I quickly regretted the outside-the-ear headphones I'd chosen. Unfortunately these headphones didn't position the ear buds close enough to hear, unless I put the volume on my phone to the highest level. When the cord tugged at the headphones it changed the position of speaker, causing jarringly loud sound.

Still, most of the run it was fine and listenable. The ever-moving scene of the Pacific Northwest unfolding in front of me (simulation provided by Visually Active), helped alleviate the boredom of the treadmill. I noticed that Visually Active reuses much of its video on the longer runs. The 50 minute "run" was actually the same footage I'd seen on their shorter "runs", stitched together in 15 minute segments.

I didn't push my speed too much on this run, but I kept the incline at about 4% most of the time. It was a good workout and not too taxing, on what I usually consider my weekly rest day. The day's activities continue and I'm looking forward to seeing my daughter receive her diploma tonight. Maybe tomorrow I'll finally get that long run in at Bethpage.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day on the run

Nothing like a good run to start things off
Today's run (street): 4.3 miles

It's Father's Day and I am happy for a number of reasons. First, I'm getting to spend the day with my family doing the things we like to do together. That started yesterday when my son and I went to see the movie Prometheus. We'd waited a long time to for this movie to come out and although it didn't live up to expectations, we had fun dissecting the plot and debating the meaning of the film.

Today's activities revolve around the whole family. Before we got the day started, I went for a run around the neighborhood. The temperature and humidity are expected to rise as the week goes on, but this morning was cool and partly cloudy. I wore the Spiras for a change of pace and they felt good as I started up the road. The cool air was energizing, and there were a lot of neighbors outside who greeted me as I ran by.

I'd originally planned to cover about three miles easy, because I knew I had a big day ahead and I'll have plenty of time for longer runs this week. The run felt so good that I added some extra streets to my route that increased my total to 4.3 miles. As far as it being an easy run, I hit the accelerator at the two mile mark and that put my pace into normal training range.

I was pleased that this "easy" run turned out to be a better workout than expected. One of many reasons why this is a happy Father's Day weekend.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Central Park, eight months later

Friday's run (Central Park): 3.3 miles
Today's run (Stillwell Woods): 3.3 miles

I thought it had been a while since I'd run in Central Park, but I was shocked to see on Garmin Connect that the last time I'd run there was last October! I had assumed I'd been there more recently but after checking the blog history I confirmed that was accurate. Knowing that, I am especially happy to have returned to Central Park.

The weather was almost perfect when I got to the park. The sun was shining and the temperature was in the 60's. It took a surprisingly long time to acquire a signal on my Garmin. As soon as it locked in, I was on my way.

I began my run by going counter-clockwise along the Center Drive loop. I was surprised to see lots of runners coming from the other direction because that's opposite of the direction arrows on the bike path. I was running strongly and staying just below a nine minute pace through the first mile. By the time I reached the top of Cat Hill I had slowed a bit, but I still felt strong.

The humidity was higher than I'd first thought and I decided to limit my run to the loop below the reservoir. I gritted my teeth through the hilly sections just below the Great Lawn and Terrace Drive and enjoyed the downhill sections that followed. I continued on some the paths off Center Drive and finished on Central Park South at 7th Ave. It was a great run and my overall pace was actually faster than what I achieved on the NHP 8K.

This morning I headed to Stillwell to run the trails. I downloaded the latest 3 Non-Joggers podcast to listen to while I ran. That helped me get through some very technical and steep terrain. I ended up covering almost exactly the same mileage as I ran on Friday, but the required effort was much greater.

On my way off the trail I encountered three women who were asking people to sign a petition that would limit mowing the big field. This would help protect the wildlife and aid conservation efforts to eliminate invasive species. I was happy to sign.

I've been on vacation since yesterday afternoon. Since then, I've had two really interesting runs. I'm hoping to do a distance run in the next few days. Tomorrow is Father's Day so maybe I'll give myself the gift of running the hills on the Bethpage bike trail.

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