Saturday, May 19, 2012

Half listening to my body

Today's run (street): 4.2 miles

So much for focusing on speed, at least for today. Despite getting almost eight hours of sleep last night, I woke up with little energy. I considered listening to my body and skipping my workout, but I thought that was too extreme. As a compromise, I decided to forgo my original plan to do tempo run to start my training for the June 3rd NHP 8K. This run would have to be short and easy. 

Things started out fine and I had no expectations about my performance. I kept my pace moderate and, with the cool temperature and sunny skies, I should have enjoyed the run. I planned to keep it under 45 minutes so, by mile three, I was ready to turn toward home. It was surprisingly hard to cover that final mile. I finished feeling more tired than I should, for a four mile run.

I'm hoping that I recover sufficiently by tomorrow so I can go out for more miles. I don't regret my decision to run, but I'm glad I kept it short.

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