Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer running

After four days of sunny weather it really feels like summer has arrived. I'm no fan of the heat but I'm not dreading it as much as I did last year. It was the hot weather that pushed me to do more trail running last summer and I've enjoyed that experience many times since. Now that the state parks on Long Island have been fully funded I'm looking forward to revisiting some, like Caleb Smith State Park along with others that were due to close. My company is once again offering "Summer Fridays" that allow staff to finish the work week around 1:00 PM. I usually work the mornings, go out for a NYC run at lunchtime and then head home. I did some great Friday runs last summer with Adventure Girl in Central Park, on the west side bike paths, over the Brooklyn and GW Bridges and along the Old Croton Aqueduct trail. Just thinking about the possibilities gets me excited and I hope to recruit some running friends to join me this year. I used to dread summer because of the heat, but running on the trails and in the city has turned that into a real positive.

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